"What's velvet?"
"It's a cloth, kind of deep and soft."
"Go ahead."
"Anyway, she rubbed Ma'am's feet back to life, and she cried, she said, from how it hurt. But it made her think she could make it on over to where Grandma Baby Suggs was and..."
"Who is that?"
"I just said it. My grandmother."
"Is that Sethe's mother?"
"No. My father's mother."
"Go ahead."
"That's where the others was. My brothers and.., the baby girl. She sent them on before to wait forher at Grandma Baby's. So she had to put up with everything to get there. And this here girl Amyhelped."
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"What's velvet?" | “天鹅绒是什么?” |
"It's a cloth, kind of deep and soft." | “是一种布料,又密又软。” |
"Go ahead." | “说下去。” |
"Anyway, she rubbed Ma'am's feet back to life, and she cried, she said, from how it hurt. But it made her think she could make it on over to where Grandma Baby Suggs was and..." | “不管怎么说,她把太太的脚给揉活了;她说她哭了,太疼了。可是那让她觉得她能挨到贝比·萨格斯奶奶那儿,而且……” |
"Who is that?" | “那是谁?” |
"I just said it. My grandmother." | “我刚才说了。我奶奶。” |
"Is that Sethe's mother?" | “是塞丝的妈妈么?” |
"No. My father's mother." | “不是。我爸爸的妈妈。” |
"Go ahead." | “说下去。” |
"That's where the others was. My brothers and.., the baby girl. She sent them on before to wait forher at Grandma Baby's. So she had to put up with everything to get there. And this here girl Amyhelped." | “其他人都在那儿。有我的两个哥哥,还有……那个小女婴。她先把他们送了出去,让他们在贝比·萨格斯那儿等她。所以她为了赶到那里什么苦都得吃。这个爱弥姑娘帮了大忙。” |
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