Russia investigates Total CEO plane crash
Russia has launched an investigation into the plane crash that killed Total CEO Christophe de Margerie on Monday night. The private jet hit a snow plow as it was taking off, killing all four people on board. The airport said visibility was low at the time of the crash. A French delegation has arrived to help with the investigation, such as translating black box recordings and providing technical data on the aircraft. De Margerie was a strong opponent of Western economic sanctions against Russia over its actions in Ukraine. He'd been at a meeting with foreign overseas executives at the country home of the Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev on the day of the crash.
周一晚上,一起坠机事件造成油气公司道达尔CEO马哲睿(Christophe de Margerie)身亡,俄罗斯展开了调查 。这架私人飞机起飞时撞上除雪机,造成飞机上4人全部死亡 。机场方面表示,飞机失事时能见度很低 。法国一个代表团已经抵达俄罗斯,帮助调查工作,例如破解黑匣子数据记录,提供飞机上的技术数据 。由于俄罗斯在乌克兰的行动,西方国家采取了有力的经济制裁措施,马哲睿就是其中一个制裁对象 。坠机事件当天,马哲睿与海外执行官们在俄罗斯总理梅德韦杰夫的故乡召开会议 。
Security concerns at quarantined Sierra Leone homes
A lack of security around quarantined homes in Sierra Leone is fuelling fears of the Ebola virus spreading. Around 200 homes in this suburb are supposed to be on lockdown. Ebola task force officers say residents are prepared to be isolated but need the government to provide necessities like food.
塞拉利昂隔离区家庭周围缺乏安全保障导致人们对埃博拉病毒传播的恐惧火上浇油 。郊区大约200个家庭将被防范禁闭 。埃博拉任务小组官员表示,居民们已经做好被隔离的准备,但是需要政府提供食品等必需物资 。
(SOUNDBITE) (English) TASK FORCE CO-ORDINATOR OF THE WATERLOO EBOLA RESPONSE TEAM, DAVID BANGURA, SAYING: "You may know that this is very, very risky because these people from these quarantine houses are coming out, you know, going among the other people that are not yet infected, so it is a risk."
滑铁卢埃博拉应对小组协调员DAVID BANGURA:“你应该知道这是非常危险的事情,因为隔离检疫区的人们走出来会接触到其他没有感染病毒的人们,这是很危险的 。”
The suburb is already building its own treatment centre. UN data shows 1,200 people in Sierra Leone have died out of more than 3,000 cases of Ebola.
郊区正在建造自己的治疗中心 。联合国数据显示,塞拉利昂已有超过3,000人感染埃博拉病毒,1,200人已经死亡 。
Ten wounded in blast outside Cairo University
A bloody attack outside Cairo University that wounded 10 people, including police and civilians. The explosion occurred in the main square at the end of the school day. Bomb experts and dogs could be seen combing the area looking for additional devices. This area has been the focal point for Muslim Brotherhood protests against President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi until authorities tightened security here earlier this month. So far, no group has claimed responsibility for the attack.
开罗大学外发生了血腥袭击,造成10人受伤,其中包括警察和平民 。爆炸发生在一个主要广场,当天的课程即将结束 。炸弹专家和炸弹嗅探犬正在搜索该地区,寻找更多爆炸装置 。该地区曾是穆斯林兄弟会抗议总统塞西的中心,直到本月早些时候当局加紧了安全控制 。目前为止,没有任何组织宣称对这起袭击事件负责 。