Action Urged To Stop Drunks Abusing NHS Staff
为减轻英国医疗负担 NHS呼吁严打醉鬼
It’s the same story every weekend. A&E departments stretch beyond breaking points. Staff abused verbally and physically. Now one of the country’s leading doctors is calling on police to take a zero tolerance approach on drunks, to stop valuable resources being diverted from more deserving patients.
每周末都上演同样的故事 。急症室的工作相当紧张,几乎已经濒临爆发 。工作人员无论是语言上还是身体上都承受着无与伦比的压力 。现在,英国一位主流医生呼吁警方对醉酒者零容忍,防止有价值的医疗资源从更值得的病人身上转移 。
“There has been a substantially increase in the number of patients and people attending A&E departments, emergency departments who are severely drunk. And indeed many of them are simply the colleagues and friends and the hangers on of the actual patients. And yet they all hang around in the queue in the cubicles and in our waiting rooms, distracting our staff.”
“醉酒严重的病人进入急诊室的人数急剧增加 。实际上,许多人都是真正的病人,一些宿醉者的同事和朋友 。然而,他们却在工作间和接待室排队,转移了工作人员的工作精力 。”
The drinks industry know the importance of irresponsible drinking. Bar staff are better trained than ever before.
酒水行业知道不负责的饮酒的重要性 。酒吧工作人员比以前接受了更加专业的训练 。
“What we are looking for is how they talk, how they interact with our customers, how they are able to stand and be by themselves.”
“我们会注意他们说话的方式,与我们的顾客交流的方式,他们自己的酒量好不好 。”
But accumulative effect of a long night out too often ends in the waiting rooms of our hospitals. Alcohol-fueled harm costs the economy around 21 billion pounds a year. The government say they determine to do more.
但似乎长时间整晚在外的累积影响仍然导致他们来到我们医院的急诊室 。酒精造成的伤害每年造成全国经济损失大约210亿美元 。政府表示,他们决定采取更多措施 。
“Arrests for drunken behavior are generally down, at the same time, more and more NHS staff are complaining about receiving abuse. But the police federation said that putting more people before the course is not necessarily the answer because it would further stretch already limited police resources.”
“因醉酒行为而被捕的人数总体来说出现下降,与此同时,越来越多卫生工作者投诉称受到暴力对待 。但是联邦警察表示,将更多醉酒者依法惩办不一定是解决问题的方法,因为这样会进一步分散有限的警力 。”
Official figures show the numbers of arrests are significantly down, but not all medics agree that criminalizing people is the answer.
官方数据显示,逮捕人数大幅下降,但是并不是所有医疗工作者赞同将人们定罪是解决问题的好方法 。
“We are going to say that you get penalized or prosecuted, if you are going drunk? Are we then gonna say that you get penalized or prosecuted if you end up with alcohol related liver disease. And if somebody strips on the street, how do we know if it's actually as a result of alcohol?”
“我们会说,你会被罚款或控告,这样你是否还会醉酒?我们会说,除了罚款或控告外,你还会患上与酒精有关的肝病 。如果某人在大街上裸奔,你怎样判断是因为醉酒?”
NHS workers say education campaigns have failed to stem the tide of drunken patients, and their irresponsible actions are taking away resources from those who genuinely need them.”
全国卫生工作者表示,教育活动未能制止醉酒病人的增加,他们的不负责任行为分散了真正需要医治的病人的资源 。
Shawn Jelly, Sky News.
Shawn Jelly,天空新闻 。