-It turned out a new study showing that something bad for moms may be good for their babies. All the discomfort that comes from morning sickness could signal a healthy and strong start for new-borns. Dr. Jane Ashton might contribute here with that you delivered more than a thousand babies, explain what the study shows?
一项新的研究似乎表明,对孕妇不好的一个问题却对婴儿有益 。孕吐带来的不适可能意味着新生儿健康而强壮 。Jane Ashton医生对1000多名新生儿进行了调查,她为我们解释这项研究的情况 。
-So finally maybe some consolation. It's a fact as many as 85 percent of pregnant women, but this, me too Amy, this was a massive study, looking at several smaller studies, and they found that women who experience morning sickness of an unclear severity, so anything from a little bit to a lot, had some significant associated findings that they have lower rate of miscarriage. They have less preterm delivery. They have less babies with birth defects, and very surprisingly, they have babies with higher IQs. Later on, we have to remember this was an association. It didn't explain why, so it was not cause-and-effect. And particularly important these findings were most significant to women over the age of 35.
这或许是值得欣慰的事情 。多达85%的孕妇,其中包括我在内,这是一项宏大的研究,几个较小的研究也进行过调查,他们发现,经历过不同程度孕吐的人,无论是轻微还是严重,流产的风险更低 。早产的可能性也更低 。她们分娩的婴儿拥有出生缺陷的可能性也更低 。令人惊讶的是,她们的孩子IQ也更高 。不过,我们要记住一点,这两者之间只是有着一定的联系 。并未解释原因,所以两者之间没有因果关系 。尤其重要的是,这项发现在超过35岁的孕妇中更为显著 。
So it's blessing in the sky.
这是上天的祝福 。
-Yeah, and if you ever had morning sickness, it is as you said a consolation prize, but still, it doesn't hide the fact that it's tough to get through all the options for dealing with the morning sickness.
是的,如果你出现过孕吐,对你来说这或许是一个安慰 。但是,这并未掩盖这样的事实,孕吐确实很难熬,不过有许多方法来缓解孕吐 。
Even though you need celerbrate-
不过这仍然值得庆祝 。
I agree to say that, they helped me.
这些方法确实对我有用 。
是的 。
-And you got two beautiful girls at it. We use a full spectrum of things, anywere from small snacks, salt tins, gingery out to some great complementary therapies, acupuncture, acupressure rest plans, some vitamin B6, and then we had to bring out big guns, some very strong prescription medication. Usually, if that's necessary using all of those tools in our arsenal, we can usually get it under control.
你已经生了两个女儿 。我们使用了各种各样的方法,从各种小零食,锡盐,生姜食品到一些补充治疗,针灸治疗计划,维他命B6,然后还有一些强力处方药物 。通常情况下,通过一些小窍门,我们都能控制住孕吐 。
-And we shouldn't be worried if you don't have morning sickness.
不过,如果没有孕吐的话,也不用担心 。
-Absolutely not. Remember we are still learning a lot of in that subject, as much in an art as it's a science-
绝对不用担心 。记住,我们对这个问题有着许多了解,这不仅是一项艺术,还是科学 。
Here Alice screams to the screen. She has four of morning sickness, and you two have girls.
Alice在镜头前尖叫起来了 。她曾经经历过四次孕吐,而你也生了两个女儿 。
-That sounds great.
这听上去不错 。