Michelle Obama’s Slave Ancestry
米歇尔的传奇家谱 从奴隶到第一夫人
It is moving, it is sobering, it is a reach back into history. The tales about the family tree of first lady Michelle Obama and an American map that traces her back to the slaves and slave owners that were in her past. This woman who made it all the way to the White House. ABC's Yunji de Nies has more on the first of this journey.
非常感人,非常严肃,我们回顾一下历史 。这个故事是关于第一夫人米歇尔·奥巴马的家谱和一份美国地图,将她带回家族过去的奴隶和奴隶主时代 。米歇尔·奥巴马一路入主白宫成为第一夫人 。ABC记者Yunji de Nies报道米歇尔成为第一夫人的路程 。
The rock of our family, the love of my life, the nation's next first lady-Michelle Obama.
我们家庭的基石,我生命的挚爱,美国下任第一夫人,米歇尔·奥巴马 。
Here is a journey that began more than a century ago with the death of a slave holder who left all of his property to relatives including a six-year-old girl named Malvinia valued at 475 dollars. She worked on a farm that grew wheat, corn and cotton living an unimaginable life of labour.
这段历程始于一个多世纪以前,一名奴隶主去世,将所有财产留给亲属,包括一个名叫Malvinia的6岁女孩,共有475美元 。那时她在一个种植小麦,玉米和棉花的农场工作,做着常人难以想象的苦力 。
She was one of three slaves. There was a very small farm. It wasn't kind of the notion of a plantation that we have.
她是三名奴隶之一 。那是一个很小的农场,并不是我们观念中所了解的庄园 。
With so few slaves, Malvinia likely worked in the house and laboured in the field. As a teenager, she gave birth to a son with a white man.
由于奴隶数量很少,Malvinia既要做家务,又要在田里劳动 。青少年时期,她和一名白人男子剩下一个儿子 。
The child is listed in this 1870 census as a "mulatto", the term used to describe a person of mixed race. His name was Dolphus Shields,Michelle Obama's great-great-grandfather. Many families have stories like Mrs Obama did about white ancestors.
这名孩子在1870年人口普查时等级为“白黑混血儿”,用来形容不同种族联姻生下的孩子 。他的名字是Dolphus Shields,正是米歇尔·奥巴马的曾曾祖父 。许多家庭的祖先都有着和奥巴马夫人一样的故事 。
This is a good memory of him.
对他来说这是很好的会议 。
Shields grew up a free man and became a carpenter. Barbie Helld was his informally adopted daughter.
Shields作为自由之身长大,成为一名木匠 。Barbie Helld是他非正式收养的女儿 。
He was just a beautiful person, full of love.
他是一个很好的人,很有爱心 。
Three generations later, Marian Shields Robinson would give birth to little Michelle. In Mrs Obama Holt sees Shields.
三代以后,Marian Shields Robinson生下米歇尔 。在奥巴马夫人身上,Holt看到了Shields的影子 。
She seems to be a very loving person, and so was he. And they were just a good match.
她看上去也是很有爱心的人,他也是 。两人非常般配 。
A family that went from slavery in the south to the halls of the White House.
这个家庭从南方的奴隶一路走进白宫 。
It's just an amazing journey.
这是非常振奋人心的旅程 。
An amazing uniquely American journey. For Good Morning America. Yunji de Nies. ABC News, Washington.
这是非常振奋人心的独特的美国梦历程 。ABC新闻早安美国节目,Yunji de Nies在华盛顿报道 。