Ministers prepare for Asian-African Summit
Ministers of Asian and African nations are assembling in Indonesia's capital city of Jakarta in preparation for the 2015 Asian-African Summit, which begins Wednesday.
亚洲和非洲国家领导人齐聚印尼首都雅加达,准备于周三开幕的2015年亚非领导人峰会 。
The summit, which aims to strengthen dialogue between Asian and African countries, runs from Wednesday to Thursday.
峰会将在周三周四举行,旨在增强亚洲和非洲国家之间的对话 。
At a pre-summit meeting of ministers, Indonesian Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi said that the summit is a good example of the type of cooperation the world needs.
在峰会前的会议上,印尼外交部长Retno Marsudi表示,这次峰会是全世界需要的合作类型的典范 。
She added that she hopes that the upcoming gathering will "herald a new chapter" for Asian-African ties.
她补充说,她希望即将召开的会议将为亚非合作揭开新的篇章 。
"We want to see a stable, democratic and prosperous Asia-Africa. We want to see an Asia-Africa that respects human rights, and we want to see equality in Asia-Africa and throughout the world. Growing together is a must; let us cooperate and develop together," she said.
“我们希望看到稳定,民主,繁荣的亚非关系 。我们希望看到尊重人权的亚非,我们希望看到亚非国家乃至全世界注重平等 。共同成长是必须的;让我们团结合作,共同发展 。”