Strike Threat As PM Says NHS Is In 'Safe Hands'
A statement of intent from the prime minister. The first speech of his second term, as a burning of GP surgery and promised to fund and transform the NHS by 2020. It was 7-day operation.
首相发表了有针对性的声明 。这是他第二任期内首次讲话,讲述增加全科医生诊所的问题,并承诺在2020年之前对全国卫生服务体系提供资金并进行改革 。这是为期七天的行动 。
Diseases do not work weekdays nine to five, so neither can me.
疾病并不是每个工作日朝九晚五地工作,我们也不能 。
The accusations that he would cut and privatize the NHS unture argues the PM, in fact, he says he will fund 8 billion pounds a year to provide free-health care wherever and whenever it is needed.
指控首相将会削减并私有化全国医疗服务体系不实的人辩称,实际上首相每年将会提供80亿英镑的资金在任何需要的情况下提供免费医疗 。
Today, as we speak, about seven and a half million people have accessed 8 in the morning to 8 in the everning, seven days a week to AGP that would be 18 million by the end of this year and we would hope that available for everyboy by the end of the parliament, that is in our plans and in the money that we are provided it. And I am confident we will achieve it.
今天,在我们讲话的时候,已有750万人能够享受早八点至晚六点,每周七天的全科医生服务,截止到今年年底,总人数将达到1800万 。我们希望在本届议会结束的时候,按照我们制定的计划和提供的资金,每个人都能够享受到这样的服务 。我有信心,我们一定能实现这一点 。
This surgery is in a partnership that was given funding for high-tech general practice by the PMs' challenge fund.
这家诊所参加了首相挑战基金提供资金的高科技全科医生行业合作项目 。
What do you notice is there is few people waiting in the waiting room, this is one reason the contact center called health hub. Here, 70000 patients cost 15 GP surgeries in a new way. This is another reason the app, the app helps connect and manage those appointments,a new thing here. Lastly, its skype consultations mentioned by the prime minister, pal of many types of tech that the prime minister says will transform the NHS started with GP surgeries. But is it raising an expection too high, with this promise--a seven day service and where is the funding?
你会注意到,现在候诊室很少有人在等待,这是呼叫中心被叫做健康中心的一个原因 。在这里,7000名病人共用15个全科医生诊疗室 。还有一个原因是,这款应用程序帮助联系和管理众多预约 。最后,首相还提到过skype咨询服务,高科技帮助诊疗 。首相表示,将对NHS进行科技方面的改革,从全科医生诊所开始 。但是这让人们的期望值过高,他承诺每周七天服务 。而且资金从哪里来?
Nurses could go on strike at the 7-day plans, and even the man in charge of NHS in England sounded a note of caution with the PM in the audience.
在7天筹备计划期间,护士们会举行罢工,首相在台下听取讲话时,英格兰NHS负责人似乎也提出了警告 。
“We’ll also need careful and disciplined phasing with our ambition to expand our services, be it improving cancer care, mental health, primary care, all of the things we want to do, including 7-day services.”
“我们在讲述拓展服务的雄心壮志时应该小心,严谨,我们希望改善癌症病人护理,精神健康,初级护理,这些方面我们都想做,包括每周七天的服务 。”
Meanwhile, patients are adjusting to this new world of virtual GPs. But challenges remain on GP recruitment.
与此同时,病人们正在逐渐适应这个虚拟全科医生诊所的新世界 。但是全科医生招募方面仍存挑战 。
“Workload is a major issue and I think what we found is by scaling up, you can start to use different healthcare professionals to sort of service some of the exact issues of pharmacists, introducing nurses and into the models as well. Not every patient needs to see a GP. But by introducing other healthcare professionals, maybe that will help address some of the workload issues.”
“工作负担是一个主要因素,我认为通过拓展服务,你可以开始使用不同的医疗保健专家来提药剂师的服务,并向该模型中引入护士等等 。并不是每个病人都需要看全科医生 。但是通过引入其他医疗专家,也可以帮助解决工作负荷的问题 。”
The PM also told Sky News there was no need for another top-down NHS reorganization, but it’s now raising big expectations about health for the public, so things are far easier to promise than to deliver, though that is his challenge.
首相还告诉天空新闻,没有必要进行再一次组织严密的NHS重组,但是现在已经引起了公众对医疗卫生方面的极大预期,所以承诺起来容易,真正做起来很难 。但这就是首相面临的挑战了 。
Faisal Islam, Sky News, in Birmingham.
天空新闻,Faisal Islam在伯明翰报道 。