1. next to 紧靠…旁边;在…近旁;贴近;
例句:I want the one next to the green one.
我要绿颜色旁边的那个 。
2. cope with (成功地)处理,应付,对付;
例句:Depression lowers the human ability to cope with disease.
抑郁症会降低人体对疾病的抵抗力 。
3. get rid of 使…去掉;使…去除;
例句:She will have to get rid of the excess weight on her hips.
她得减去臀部多余的脂肪 。
4. take out 去除;除掉;
例句:I got an abscess so he took the tooth out.
我牙龈脓肿,所以他就把那颗牙拔掉了 。
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