To understand why it did,you have to understand something about Henry,
想要了解改变的原因 就要先了解亨利其人
the man who without ever really meaning to turned Catholic England into a Protestant nation.
这个本无意 让天主教英格兰改信新教的男人
Well, for a start, he was never supposed to be king.
起初 他本无缘王位
But when his older brother Arthur died,Henry, aged 11, became heir apparent.
但他的哥哥亚瑟的去世 让年仅11岁的亨利成为了法定继承人
He also acquired his brother's wife,the Spanish Catherine of Aragon.
他还一并迎娶了亡兄之妻 西班牙公主凯瑟琳
The marriage alliance between Spain and England was just too important to be allowed to lapse.
西班牙与英格兰之间的联姻 十分重要 不容破坏
In 1509, King Henry VII died,and his 17-year-old son came into his own.
1509年 国王亨利七世驾崩 他17岁的儿子继承了王位
The young king was a spectacular sight.You could practically smell the testosterone.
年轻的国王惊为天人 你能真切的感受到他所散发的男子气概
Any way and anywhere he could flash that burly energy, he did,
in the saddle, on the dance floor or here on the tennis court,where a besotted courtier wrote of the king's skin,
王位之上 舞池之中以及这网球场上 曾有朝臣醉酒后如此描述国王的皮肤
Glowing through the fabric of his finely woven shirt.
透过他精美的衣衫 依然容光焕发
Then there was the famous breezy charm,dispensed like the English weather
之后便是他出了名的不拘小节 如英格兰的天气般
in sunny periods, alternating with cloudy spells and sudden bursts of heavy thunder.
方才阳光和煦 间或多云 突然间便电闪雷鸣
The charm was of the rib-poking, back-slapping,punch in the belly arm around the shoulders kind,
这些肋下咯痒 拍肩膀 捶肚子还有勾肩搭背的行为
which, depending on the mood of the month, could betoken either sudden promotion or imminent arrest.
可意味着加官进爵 抑或身陷囹圄 全都取决于当时的心情