But elsewhere other hands were hard at work.
但在他处 另有人在努力工作着
The miracle-working priest was about to be challenged by the word of God itself,
行神迹的牧师 即将受到《圣经》本身的挑战
translated into English and printed in black and white.
翻译成英文 并印刷出版
Hand-written English Bibles had been in circulation since the days of the Lollards,
that Protestant heresy that flourished briefly in the early 1400s.
But manuscripts represented hard labour and cost pounds to buy.
但手抄本需要大量劳动力完成 并售价高昂
A printed New Testament, on the other hand, could be mass-produced and sold for a tenth of the price.
而印刷版《新约》 却能够大量发行并且售价仅为原来的一成
The idea of a Bible in English,cheap and freely available to anyone who could read,put the fear of God into the authorities.
所有识字的百姓都能 自由地获取廉价的英文版《圣经》 这一构想让掌权者不得不开始敬畏上帝
William Tyndale, an ordained priest,was the first to take on the dangerous task
威廉·廷代尔牧师 第一个担起了这个险任
of translating, publishing and printing an English version of the New Testament.
翻译 出版与印刷英文版《新约全书》
Tyndale is a recognizable historical type.
Austere, steely, unswerving, even a little fanatical,and disarmingly clear in his own convictions.
简朴 严格 坚定 甚至有些狂热 并对自己的信仰了若指掌
It was not possible,He wrote, To establish the laypeople in any truth
他曾写到 如果没有用母语撰写的通俗易懂的经文
Except the Scriptures were plainly laid before their eyes in their mother tongue.
摆在俗人面前 他们就不可能拥有虔诚的信仰