In 1524, Tyndale fled London for mainland Europe,ending up in Worms in Germany,
1524年 廷代尔逃离伦敦 前往欧洲大陆 来到了德国的沃尔姆斯
a city which had recently been made safely Protestant by its allegiance to the new radical doctrines of Martin Luther.
这座城市在马丁·路德激进主义新教教徒的努力下 才开始成为新教徒的安全区域
Tyndale's English New testament was completed there by January 1526,and within weeks copies were on sale in London.
廷代尔的英文版《新约》在1526年1月成书于此 数周之内 便开始在伦敦出售
What followed was an English version of the Inquisition.
随之而来的 便是英国的宗教审判
Denunciations, arrests, book burnings, show trials.
揭发 逮捕 焚书 走过场的公审
Those who recanted were forced to carry before them faggots of wood,
那些公开认罪之人 被迫将一捆捆的柴火携带在身前
symbols of the bonfire that would consume them if they ever lapsed again.
熊熊燃烧的篝火象征着 若再犯 被烧的就是他们自己
And in 1530 symbolism gave way to gruesome reality
1530年 这一象征终于成为了可怕的事实
when a priest named Thomas Hitton confessed to smuggling in a New Testament.
一位名为托马斯·希顿的牧师 供认非法带入了一本新约
Condemned as a heretic,he was burned at Maidstone on the 23rd of February.
他被定为异端 于2月23日在美斯顿被处以火刑
The Reformation had claimed its first victim.
And cheering all this on from the sidelines was the king, Henry VIII, dutiful son of the Church,
而一直在旁鼓励支持这些行为的 是国王亨利八世 忠实的教会之子
whose candle at Walsingham had been burning brightly for nearly 20 years.
他在沃尔辛厄姆点燃的蜡烛 明晃晃地燃烧了近二十年
In the winter of 1530,as the fire was lit under the unfortunate Hitton,
1530年冬 当熊熊烈火在不幸的希顿脚下点燃时
there was no reason to think that anything would ever change.
没有理由让人认为 这个世界会有任何改变