Charles went on the run, hidden by royalist sympathisers until he could get smuggled out of the country.
查理在保皇派支持者的掩护下 一直逃出了国境
So when Oliver Cromwell returned to London in the autumn of 1651,
所以当克伦威尔1651年秋 回到伦敦时
it was as an English Caesar,the like of whom had not been seen since the days of Edward I.
他成了英格兰的凯撒 这样的人物 自爱德华一世后还不曾出现
If Cromwell was God's Englishman,
it was because he felt in his marrow that England was God's true promised land
那也是因为他根深蒂固地认为 英格兰才是上帝的应许之地
and the best thing for Britain was that it become as English as possible.
因而对整个不列颠而言 就是要越英格兰化越好
The Stuart dream of the united Britain, of course,had been what had started the civil wars.
建立统一的不列颠 本是斯图尔特王朝 导致内战的痴人说梦
Now Cromwell had ended them by making that dream a reality.
克伦威尔终结了王朝 却让他们的梦想成真
Not as a united kingdom,but as a united republic of Great Britain.
但并不作为统一的王国 而是统一的大不列颠共和国
But what kind of republic was it supposed to be?
Cromwell knew the county was exhausted from almost 15 years of war.
克伦威尔深知 经历了十五年的战争 国内百业待兴
It was time, as he said, "To heal and settle".
他说要休养生息 使百姓安居乐业
But this didn't mean business as usual.
对于商业 却不是如此
Surely God didn't mean for so much blood and treasure to have been spilled
上帝一定不想 用无数鲜血和财富换来的胜利
only so that ungodly lawyers and money brokers could get richer?