The Westminster politicians knew they needed a sweetener to make the Union more palatable,and this is it.
英格兰的政客们深知 必须施以恩惠 方能使联合更具合理性 他们想出了这样的方法
In this chest was deposited the equivalent,
the exact amount lost in the Darien adventure,all 398,000 pounds of it.
与达连计划损失相同的金额 共计39万8千英镑
You can almost hear the advocates of union saying,as they beamed broadly,Now, this is what union means.
你几乎能够听到联合政府的支持者 满带微笑地说道 这就是联合的意义
You seem to be a little hard pressed for funds, my dear fellows,
亲爱的同胞 不要再为金钱而烦恼
Well, now Scotland's debts will be Britain's.
自今日起 不列颠将为你们扛起债务
Sink or swim, we shall do it together.
我们进退相携 休戚与共
The equivalent money, along with favourable trade concessions,
相同数量的金额 伴随着贸易特许
was the carrot dangled before members of the Scottish parliament.
By now, there were many who were already looking south,saw reality, smelled the profits.
至此 许多人已认清现实 屈从利益 臣伏于英格兰的宝座下
But behind the carrot, of course, lay the stick.
但胡萝卜背后 通常都藏着一支大棒
Westminster threatened to block Scottish exports to England
unless Scotland entered union negotiations.
The writing was on the wall.
Distraught, Lord Belhaven delivered a lament over the funeral pyre of Scottish independence.
贝翰文勋爵在这场 葬送苏格兰独立性的葬礼上发表沉痛悼词
I see our ancient mother Caledonia,
like Caesar sitting in the midst of the Senate,
attending the final blow and breathing out her last.