1. marvel at 惊讶不已;不胜惊羡;大为赞叹;
例句:I marvel at his tremendous achievements.
对他的巨大成就我感到惊叹 。
2. look back 追忆;回顾;
例句:She can look back on her career with great satisfaction.
她回顾自己的经历觉得心满意足 。
3. be stressed out 极度焦虑不安的;心力交瘁的;
例句:I'm all stressed out about this new job.
我因这个新工作而感到紧张不安 。
4. throw up 呕吐;呕出;
例句:This smell is enough to make you throw up.
这种气味令人呕吐 。
n. 奇异的事物,罕见的例子
v. 惊异于,惊