Ways to help pass procrastination and eventually get things done.
Time yourself
I’ve found that many people resort to procrastination because they have to much time on their hands and so they put off things for the next hour, day or even weeks. go to your desk, grab an alarm timer and set it for 10 minutes, 30 minutes or whatever time you believe is necessary to complete your work. be sure not to leave too much room though, in example this post in normal conditions might take me 2-3 hours to write, i’ve set my timer for 40 minutes. it’s still ticking. this will help you motivate yourself in completing your work, but also most importantly it will help you focus.
我发现很多人拖拉的原因是因为他们有太多的时间,所以就可以把事情推托到下一小时,一天,甚至是一周。你应该走的办公桌前,拿起闹钟,设定在10分钟,30分钟或其他你觉得你应该能完成你工作的时间。要确保不能留太多的余地,例如这篇文章在通常的情况下应该会让我花费2-3小时完成,我就把闹钟设置成40分钟闹一次。 它现在仍然在走。这将帮助你激发自己去完成工作,更重要的事情是帮助你集中注意力。