Not everyone in the little company settlements, like nearby Madras, was biting his nails at the idea of an Indian war.
There was one young man, who'd been sweating it out as a company clerk, for whom the drum roll of battle was an irresistible serenade.
Robert Clive, like the East India Company itself, you might say, was never really cut out for business, at least, not legit business.
In Market Drayton, where he'd grown up, the Shropshire lad ran an extortion racket, threatening local shopkeepers with his own gang of toughs unless they coughed up.
Exported to Madras, Clive lived the life of a bachelor clerk, scribbling, sweating, drinking, fornicating, and making the whole thing bearable only with pipes of opium.
Scenting that powerful old aroma of money and fame, Clive made a career change, and he took British India with him.
In the war that erupted between rival French- and British-supported Nawabs, Clive turned a diversion into the main event.
While both main armies were off on a long siege at the mountain city of Trichinopoly, Clive took a handful of men and stormed the capital of the pro-French prince.
He then held out for six long weeks against everything thrown at it. The effort fatally weakened the enemy and the British client Nawab took power.
The French gamble in south India was a busted flush. Clive had just broke the bank.

Suddenly, the rest of India woke up to the fact that it was no longer dealing with a feeble little merchant fledgling. What it had got was a cuckoo in the nest.
Up the coast to the north, the young impulsive Nawab of Bengal, Siraj-ud-Daulah, decided to do something about this threat.
In 1756, he attacked the British settlement that had been established at the mouth of the Hooghly River since 1690, Calcutta.
Most of its residents made it out of the town in time.
The rest, 100 or so, found themselves imprisoned in a 20-foot-square cell, with no food or water and virtually no air, in the height of the Indian summer.
Few came out alive, and the Black Hole of Calcutta now entered British history's lexicon of infamy.
One of the survivors, John Zephaniah Holwell, wrote a book about the Black Hole on his way back from India to England.
When it was published, in 1758, it became an instant best seller.
Now, Holwell exaggerated the number of those who suffocated on that hot night, multiplying them by about three, from around 40 to 120.
I don't think he was simply kicking up the number for the sack of sensationalism. He was making a point.
And the point was that a regime that could do that, that was so cruel, so inhuman, scarcely deserved the name of a government at all, in fact, scarcely deserved to survive.