Cheat Predictor 3 第三类特征:
Can he talk his way out of anything (parking tickets, rolling into work late)?
Does he make an effort to charm everyone--your coworkers, your older sister, a saleswoman? 他在尽力向每个人展现自己的魅力吗?——不管是你的同事、你的姐姐还是售货员?
When you go to parties, does he insist on making the rounds?
Charmers meet a lot of women and win them over easily. So even if his intentions aren't more than friendship, they might be willing to move beyond friendship, and that's hard to resist.
To determine if your charmer might become a two-timer, watch how he interacts with you in social settings. A guy who wants to play with other partners may brush you off when chatting with a new female friend or get noticeably more uncomfortable with PDAs when other women are around.