Hyper-texting or hyper-networking (teenagers sending more than 120 texts a day), is giving rise to a whole new "health risk category", a new study suggests.
The researchers found that teenagers who are hyper-texters are 40 percent more likely to have tried cigarettes, two times more likely to have tried alcohol and 43 percent more likely to be binge drinkers.
They are also 41 percent more likely to have used illicit drugs, 55 percent more likely to have been in a physical fight, nearly three-and-a-half times more likely to have had sex and 90 percent more likely to report four or more sexual partners.
Dr. Scott Frank, lead researcher at the Case Western Reserve School of Medicine, Cleveland, Ohio, said: "The startling results of this study suggest that when left unchecked texting and other widely popular methods of staying connected can have dangerous health effects on teenagers. And this should be a wake-up call for parents to not only help their children stay safe by not texting and driving, but by discouraging excessive use of the cell phone or social websites in general."
该研究的主要负责人,俄亥俄州克利夫兰凯斯西储医学院Scott Frank博士表示:“这项惊人的研究结果表明,未经检查的短信以及现在广泛流行的网络社交方式严重危害着青少年的健康。同时也给父母们敲响警钟,父母不仅要帮助孩子们远离短信和驾驶的危害,还要引导他们避免过度使用手机和一般社交网站。
The findings, which were presented at the American Public Health Association's conference in Denver, found that up to one in five teenagers belonged to this group, many of whom were female.