Fang Chao, 25, has worked at an accounting firm in Beijing for three years. He also talked about colleagues’ influence on his putting off dealing with tasks.
Fang said: “Colleagues might think you are seeking the boss’s attention if you hand in assignments faster than anyone else.”
Faced with such a dilemma, smart employees should adopt a balanced schedule, instead of procrastinating, said Lu.
Take an assignment due in three days for example. You can use Day One to work out the first draft, Day Two to ask colleagues for advice and Day Three to improve your final version.
If slacking off is an accepted and unwritten practice among colleagues, young professionals should think of changing –not themselves–but jobs.
“You may need to change your job if you cannot accept such a corporate culture,” said Lu. “If you choose to stay, you can still work fast and use the remaining time to develop your interest in reading or writing to keep improving yourself.” 陆学斌说:“如果你不能接受这种企业文化,也许你得换个工作。如果你选择留下来,那么你仍应迅速完成工作,然后用余下的时间去培养自己对阅读写作的兴趣,从而不断提升自己的水平。”
Shen Li, Wei Xiao and Fang Chao are not the real names of the interviewees.