THERE is a storm brewing in Shanghai - and not many men are liking it.
A recent survey that polled around 44,000 eligible men and women nationwide found that some Shanghai guys out on their first date expect their women to split the bills!
The report, published by the Beijing-based wedding website jiayuan.com, came ahead of the 11/11/12, a day celebrated by young Chinese in cities as the Singles Day, which falls tomorrow.
It has not gone down well among the Shanghai men who took to weibo.com to vent their fury. Clearly, they were in no mood to be dubbed "the meanest single men" in the country. Among the 43,964 people surveyed for the "Chinese People's Viewpoints of Marriage," about 2,000 of them were from Shanghai.
The report claimed that although 80 percent of the respondents believed that men should pay the bills for dinner or movie tickets on their first date, more men from Shanghai than those in other parts of the country want women to split the bill, the Shanghai Youth Daily reported yesterday.
Local men immediately turned to their microblogs, slamming the survey and demanding an apology to what they perceived stemmed from "certain prejudices."
They insisted they paid for the bills and did not "share them" on most dates. "Isn't it a tradition in China that men would pay the bill for the first date, or maybe all the dates, out of politeness and manners. As far as I know, none of my Shanghai friends would ask their girlfriends to share the bill when they first met," said Liu Tao, 26, a white-collar worker.
The survey also found that about 17 percent men and 26 percent women would look for excuses to make a quick dash if the date was not to their liking. They would ask their friends to call them and cook up some excuse to leave.
Women also cared more about fine details of the men they were dating like their fingernails, color of their socks, hair and their choice of perfume. Men would check whether the shoes their dates were wearing were clean or not.
The survey found Shanghai women hated men with strong body odor and their favorite topic for discussion was star signs. Not surprisingly, the topic that the Shanghai men detested most was when their dates tried to dig out info about their personal savings.