Tate Modern is the national gallery of international modern and contemporary art from 1900 onwards. The gallery opened in 2000 in a converted power station on the south bank of the Thames in an imposing position opposite St. Paul's Cathedral. You can visit again and again as it's free and the modern art displays change quite frequently. You'll often find enormous installations in the Turbine Hall on the ground floor.[qh]
泰特现代美术馆收藏有自1900年以来的国际现当代艺术作品 。该馆由一个位于泰晤士河南岸的发电站改建而来,正对圣保罗大教堂 。你可以随便参观,因为它是免费的,并且里面的艺术作品更新频繁 。你会经常在一层的涡轮大厅看到巨大的展示作品 。[qh]