The killer robots of 'Pacific Rim' were no match for the diminutive yellow minions of 'Despicable Me 2' at the box office over the weekend.
上周末的票房大战中,《环太平洋》(Pacific Rim)里的那群机器人杀手败给了《神偷奶爸2》(Despicable Me 2)中那些黄色小个子喽罗。
'Despicable Me 2,' the animated sequel from Comcast Corp.'s Universal Pictures, collected an estimated $44.8 million in the U.S. and Canada. That boosted its total domestic haul to $229 million, while its international gross nearly doubled in a week to $243.2 million.
康卡斯特(Comcast Corp.)旗下环球影业(Universal Pictures)出品的动画片续集《神偷奶爸2》上周末在美国和加拿大的票房估计为4,480万美元。该片北美本土总票房因此达到2.29亿美元,与此同时,其海外总票房一周内接近翻倍,至2.432亿美元。
'Despicable Me 2' was able to hold the top spot in its second weekend despite new competition in the family market from 'Grown Ups 2,' which opened at No. 2 with a solid $42.5 million. The weekend's other new release, 'Pacific Rim,' took third place and collected $38.3 million, a so-so sum for the movie, which had a budget of nearly $200 million.
《神偷奶爸2》连续第二个周末稳坐票房冠军宝座,虽然在家庭观影市场面临《长大后2》(Grown Ups 2)的新竞争。《长大后2》上映首周末票房排行第二,收入4,250万美元。上周末另一部新片《环太平洋》排名第三,票房收入3,830万美元,这个成绩对于这部预算近2亿美元的大制作影片来说只能算马马虎虎。
The performance of 'Grown Ups 2' was welcome news for Sony Corp.'s Sony Pictures Entertainment, which had two high-profile, big-budget flops this summer with 'White House Down' and 'After Earth.' Gross-out comedy 'Grown Ups 2' cost about $80 million to make and gave star Adam Sandler a much-needed hit after turns in flops like 'Jack and Jill' and 'That's My Boy.'
《长大后2》的票房成绩对索尼公司(Sony Corp.)旗下索尼影视娱乐公司(Sony Pictures Entertainment)来说是个好消息,该公司今年夏天已经有《白宫末日》(White House Down)和《重返地球》(After Earth)这两部花费巨资、备受瞩目的失败之作。风格粗俗的喜剧片《长大后2》制作成本为8,000万美元左右,该片主演亚当•桑德勒(Adam Sandler)也在出演《杰克与吉尔》(Jack and Jill)和《爸爸的好儿子》(That's My Boy)这两部失败影片后获得了急需的轰动反响。
'One of the things about the DNA of 'Grown Ups 2' that is so terrific is it really does play to everybody as well as all parts of the country,' said Rory Bruer, Sony Pictures Entertainment's president of world-wide distribution.
索尼影视负责全球发行的总裁布鲁尔(Rory Bruer)说,《长大后2》如此非同凡响的根本原因之一在于,它的确引起了所有人的共鸣,也迎合了这个国家的很多方面。
Meanwhile, 'The Lone Ranger' slipped to fifth place, collecting $11.4 million and taking its two-week domestic total to $71.1 million. The Walt Disney Co. franchise reboot cost nearly $250 million to make but has been one of the summer's biggest box-office disappointments.
影片《独行侠》(The Lone Ranger)上周末滑落至第五名,票房收入1,140万美元,两周来的北美本土总票房达到7,110万美元。迪士尼公司(Walt Disney Co.)的这部翻拍片制作成本近2.5亿美元,已成为今年夏天最大的票房失败影片之一。