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经典科幻文学:《银河系漫游指南》第6章 Part 1

来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

"Great guys," said Ford. "They're the best cooks and the best drink mixers and they don't give a wet slap about anything else. And they'll always help hitch hikers aboard, partly because they like the company, but mostly because it annoys the Vogons. Which is exactly the sort of thing you need to know if you're an impoverished hitch hiker trying to see the marvels of the Universe for less than thirty Altairan Dollars a day. And that's my job. Fun, isn't it?"

Arthur looked lost.阿瑟看上去若有所失。
"It's amazing," he said and frowned at one of the other mattresses.“是的,很有趣。”他说,同时皱眉看着另一张床垫。
"Unfortunately I got stuck on the Earth for rather longer than I intended," said Ford. "I came for a week and got stuck for fifteen years."“不走运的是,我陷在地球上太久了,远远超出了我的预计。”福特说,“我本来计划待上一周,但实际上却待了好15年。”
"Ford," insisted Arthur, "I don't know if this sounds like a silly question, but what am I doing here?"“福特,”阿瑟却依旧不依不饶,“我不管这个问题听上去是不是够蠢,可是你能告诉我我在这个鬼地方干什么吗?”
"Well you know that," said Ford. "I rescued you from the Earth."“好吧,你应该知道的,”福特说,“我把你从地球上救了出来。”
"And what's happened to the Earth?"“地球发生了什么?”

"Great guys," said Ford. "They're the best cooks and the best drink mixers and they don't give a wet slap about anything else. And they'll always help hitch hikers aboard, partly because they like the company, but mostly because it annoys the Vogons. Which is exactly the sort of thing you need to know if you're an impoverished hitch hiker trying to see the marvels of the Universe for less than thirty Altairan Dollars a day. And that's my job. Fun, isn't it?"
Arthur looked lost.
"It's amazing," he said and frowned at one of the other mattresses.
"Unfortunately I got stuck on the Earth for rather longer than I intended," said Ford. "I came for a week and got stuck for fifteen years."
"Ford," insisted Arthur, "I don't know if this sounds like a silly question, but what am I doing here?"
"Well you know that," said Ford. "I rescued you from the Earth."
"And what's happened to the Earth?"

重点单词   查看全部解释    
intended [in'tendid]


adj. 故意的,有意的;打算中的 n. 已订婚者 v.

universe ['ju:nivə:s]


n. 宇宙,万物,世界





