Beat the heat: Peppermint tea mist
Brew a pot of peppermint tea, then stick it in the fridge. Once it's nice and cold, suggests pouring some into a spray bottle and misting yourself with it. Better than water, the menthol in the tea will give your skin a tingly, cool feeling.
Whether it's hot or cold, chrysanthemum tea is served to lower body temperature, according to China Daily. It's also been said to soothe heat rash, experts told Natural Health.
据《中国日报》表示,无论是热饮还是冷饮,菊花茶都能有效降低体温。Natural health网站上说还可以缓解湿疹。
Next time you feel overheated, do a few minutes of yogic breathing, recommends Art of Living. Curl your tongue by pulling both sides upward toward the middle, then breathe in through your mouth. Hold your breath, and slowly exhale through your nose. Repeat five to 10 times.