When living out our daily lives, we're often bombarded with too many choices from different things around us, telling us what's good for us and how we can improve ourselves. It soon becomes apparent that the amount of choices we're offered from our society can be too overwhelming, which causes us to stop dead in our tracks. This becomes detrimental to our overall growth as individuals since the key to growing and becoming a better person is through clarity and knowing what you want.
This is a problem I've personally had to face on a number of occasions, and didn't know what to do with my life for a long time. It was at this point that I knew something had to change and that in order to develop focus, I would have to change course and find another alternative to doing things, since my current lifestyle wasn't giving me what I wanted.
Why too much choice is never ideal
We're often told that having more would lead to happiness when in actual fact, the opposite occurs. Having too much choice inevitably causes us to lose value in the very thing we're seeking since there is an abundance of it already, and it becomes something to take for granted, knowing that it will always be there.
The key to avoiding this would be to eliminate everything that's currently distracting you and to develop a clear mind, which will help you make better decisions as you move forward.