Be the First In & Last to Leave -– I give this advice to everyone starting a new job or still in the formative stages of their professional career. You have more ground to make up than everyone else around you, and you do have something to prove. There's only one sure-fire way to get ahead, and that's to work harder than all of your peers.
Don't Wait to Be Told What to Do– You can't have a sense of entitlement without a sense of responsibility. You'll never get ahead by waiting for someone to tell you what to do. Saying “nobody asked me to do this” is a guaranteed recipe for failure. Err on the side of doing too much, not too little.
Take Responsibility for Your Mistakes– You should be making lots of mistakes when you're early on in your career. But you shouldn't be defensive about errors in judgment or execution. Stop trying to justify your F-ups. You're only going to grow by embracing the lessons learned from your mistakes, and committing to learn from those experiences.
Both the Size and Quality of Your Network Matter– It's who you know more than what you know, that gets you ahead in business. Knowing a small group of folks very well, or a huge smattering of contacts superficially, just won't cut it. Meet and stay connected to lots of folks, and invest your time developing as many of those relationships as possible.
Social Media is Not a Career – These job titles won't exist in 5 years. Social media is simply a function of marketing; it helps support branding, ROI or both. Social media is a means to get more awareness, more users or more revenue. It's not an end in itself. I'd strongly caution against pegging your career trajectory solely to a social media job title.