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狄更斯双语小说:《董贝父子》第31章Part 3

来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

'Major,' says Mr Dombey, 'how are You?'

'By Jove, Sir,' says the Major, 'Joey B. is in such case this morning, Sir,' - and here he hits himself hard upon the breast - 'In such case this morning, Sir, that, damme, Dombey, he has half a mind to make a double marriage of it, Sir, and take the mother.'“真的,先生,”少校说道,”乔埃?白今天早上有这样心情,”这时他用力地敲打着胸脯,”今天早上他有这样的心情,先生,他妈的,董贝,他真有点想来个双婚,把那母亲娶过来。”
Mr Dombey smiles; but faintly, even for him; for Mr Dombey feels that he is going to be related to the mother, and that, under those circumstances, she is not to be joked about.董贝先生微笑了一下,但即使对他来说,这微笑也是微弱的;因为董贝先生觉得他将跟那母亲结为亲戚,在这种情况下不应当拿她来开玩笑。
'Dombey,' says the Major, seeing this, 'I give you joy. I congratulate you, Dombey. By the Lord, Sir,' says the Major, 'you are more to be envied, this day, than any man in England!'“董贝,”少校注意到这一点,说道,”我祝您幸福。我祝贺您,董贝。说实话,先生,今天您是全英国最使人妒嫉的人了。”
Here again Mr Dombey's assent is qualified; because he is going to confer a great distinction on a lady; and, no doubt, she is to be envied most.董贝先生又有限制地表示同意;因为他将把极大的荣誉授予一位女士;毫无疑问,她才是最使人妒嫉的人。
'As to Edith Granger, Sir,' pursues the Major, 'there is not a woman in all Europe but might - and would, Sir, you will allow Bagstock to add - and would- give her ears, and her earrings, too, to be in Edith Granger's place.'“至于伊迪丝?格兰杰,先生,”少校继续说道,”全欧洲的女人要是能占有伊迪丝?格兰杰的地位,没有一个不会不惜牺牲一切的--先生,您允许白格斯托克少校补充一句,没有一个不愿意不惜牺牲一切的--不仅不惜牺牲她的耳朵,而且也不惜牺牲她的耳环。”
'You are good enough to say so, Major,' says Mr Dombey.“谢谢您的一片好意,少校,”董贝先生说道。
'Dombey,' returns the Major, 'you know it. Let us have no false delicacy. You know it. Do you know it, or do you not, Dombey?' says the Major, almost in a passion.“董贝,”少校回答道,”您知道这一点!让我们别来假正经。您知道这一点。您知道还是不知道,董贝?”少校几乎生气地说道。
'Oh, really, Major - '“哦,真的,少校--”
'Damme, Sir,' retorts the Major, 'do you know that fact, or do you not? Dombey! Is old Joe your friend? Are we on that footing of unreserved intimacy, Dombey, that may justify a man - a blunt old Joseph B., Sir - in speaking out; or am I to take open order, Dombey, and to keep my distance, and to stand on forms?'“他妈的,先生,”少校紧紧追问道,”您知道这个事实还是不知道?董贝!老乔是不是您的朋友?我们相互之间的关系是不是亲密无间到可以允许一个人--一个直肠直肚的老约瑟夫?白,先生--痛痛快快地说出来;还是我要遵循常规旧矩,董贝,保持一定的距离,来一番虚礼客套?”
'My dear Major Bagstock,' says Mr Dombey, with a gratified air, 'you are quite warm.'“我亲爱的白格斯托克少校,”董贝先生露出满意的神态,说道,”您很热情。”

'Major,' says Mr Dombey, 'how are You?'
'By Jove, Sir,' says the Major, 'Joey B. is in such case this morning, Sir,' - and here he hits himself hard upon the breast - 'In such case this morning, Sir, that, damme, Dombey, he has half a mind to make a double marriage of it, Sir, and take the mother.'
Mr Dombey smiles; but faintly, even for him; for Mr Dombey feels that he is going to be related to the mother, and that, under those circumstances, she is not to be joked about.
'Dombey,' says the Major, seeing this, 'I give you joy. I congratulate you, Dombey. By the Lord, Sir,' says the Major, 'you are more to be envied, this day, than any man in England!'
Here again Mr Dombey's assent is qualified; because he is going to confer a great distinction on a lady; and, no doubt, she is to be envied most.
'As to Edith Granger, Sir,' pursues the Major, 'there is not a woman in all Europe but might - and would, Sir, you will allow Bagstock to add - and would- give her ears, and her earrings, too, to be in Edith Granger's place.'
'You are good enough to say so, Major,' says Mr Dombey.
'Dombey,' returns the Major, 'you know it. Let us have no false delicacy. You know it. Do you know it, or do you not, Dombey?' says the Major, almost in a passion.
'Oh, really, Major - '
'Damme, Sir,' retorts the Major, 'do you know that fact, or do you not? Dombey! Is old Joe your friend? Are we on that footing of unreserved intimacy, Dombey, that may justify a man - a blunt old Joseph B., Sir - in speaking out; or am I to take open order, Dombey, and to keep my distance, and to stand on forms?'
'My dear Major Bagstock,' says Mr Dombey, with a gratified air, 'you are quite warm.'

重点单词   查看全部解释    
assent [ə'sent]


n. 同意,赞成 vi. 赞成

congratulate [kən'grætju.leit]


vt. 祝贺

related [ri'leitid]


adj. 相关的,有亲属关系的

unreserved [,ʌnri'zə:vd]


adj. 不隐瞒的;坦白的;无限制的;未被预订的

delicacy ['delikəsi]


n. 柔软,精致,佳肴

justify ['dʒʌstifai]


vt. 替 ... 辩护,证明 ... 正当

blunt [blʌnt]


adj. 钝的,迟钝的,直率的
v. 使迟钝,

qualified ['kwɔlifaid]


adj. 有资格的,有限制的

passion ['pæʃən]


n. 激情,酷爱

distinction [dis'tiŋkʃən]


n. 差别,对比,区分,荣誉,优秀





