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狄更斯双语小说:《董贝父子》第31章Part 5

来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

'I am rejoiced, I am sure,' says Mr Carker. 'I was afraid I might be a few seconds after the appointed time, for I was delayed by a procession of waggons; and I took the liberty of riding round to Brook Street' - this to Mr Dombey - 'to leave a few poor rarities of flowers for Mrs Dombey. A man in my position, and so distinguished as to be invited here, is proud to offer some homage in acknowledgment of his vassalage: and as I have no doubt Mrs Dombey is overwhelmed with what is costly and magnificent;' with a strange glance at his patron; 'I hope the very poverty of my offering, may find favour for it.'

'Mrs Dombey, that is to be,' returns Mr Dombey, condescendingly, 'will be very sensible of your attention, Carker, I am sure.'“我相信,”董贝先生对下属表示恩情地说道,”未来的董贝夫人将会深感您的好意,卡克。”
'And if she is to be Mrs Dombey this morning, Sir,' says the Major, putting down his coffee-cup, and looking at his watch, 'it's high time we were off!'“如果她今天早上就要成为董贝夫人的话,先生,”少校放下咖啡杯,看看手表,说道,”那么我们就该走了。”
Forth, in a barouche, ride Mr Dombey, Major Bagstock, and Mr Carker, to the church. Mr Sownds the Beadle has long risen from the steps, and is in waiting with his cocked hat in his hand. Mrs Miff curtseys and proposes chairs in the vestry. Mr Dombey prefers remaining in the church. As he looks up at the organ, Miss Tox in the gallery shrinks behind the fat leg of a cherubim on a monument, with cheeks like a young Wind. Captain Cuttle, on the contrary, stands up and waves his hook, in token of welcome and encouragement. Mr Toots informs the Chicken, behind his hand, that the middle gentleman, he in the fawn-coloured pantaloons, is the father of his love. The Chicken hoarsely whispers Mr Toots that he's as stiff a cove as ever he see, but that it is within the resources of Science to double him up, with one blow in the waistcoat.董贝先生、白格斯托克少校和卡克先生乘坐一辆双马四轮大马车,出发前去教堂。教区事务员桑兹先生早就从台阶上站起身来,手中拿着三角帽等待着。米福太太行了屈膝礼,建议他们在祭服室坐一会儿。董贝先生宁愿留在教堂里。当他向上看着风琴的时候,楼座中的托克斯小姐就往后退缩;那里有一块纪念碑,上面有一个脸颊像年轻的风神一样的小天使,她就退缩到这个小天使的胖腿后面。与托克斯小姐相反,卡特尔船长站起来,挥舞着钩子表示欢迎与支持。图茨先生用手遮住嘴巴,告诉斗鸡,中间穿淡黄色裤子的先生就是他意中人的父亲。斗鸡用嘶哑的对图茨先生说,他从来没有见过这样生硬呆板的家伙,可是采用科学的方法,在他背心上猛打一下,就可以把他打得直不起腰来。
Mr Sownds and Mrs Miff are eyeing Mr Dombey from a little distance, when the noise of approaching wheels is heard, and Mr Sownds goes out. Mrs Miff, meeting Mr Dombey's eye as it is withdrawn from the presumptuous maniac upstairs, who salutes him with so much urbanity, drops a curtsey, and informs him that she believes his 'good lady' is come. Then there is a crowding and a whispering at the door, and the good lady enters, with a haughty step.桑兹先生和米福太太从不远的地方注视着董贝先生的时候,听到了车轮到达的,桑兹先生就走出去了;楼上有一位放肆的疯子在向董贝先生彬彬有礼地行礼,董贝先生的眼光离开他的时候,米福太太碰上他的眼光,向他行了个屈膝礼,告诉他,她相信他的”好夫人”已经来了。这时候,人们在门口挤来挤去,并交头接耳,嘁嘁喳喳地说着话,那位好夫人则迈着傲慢的步子,走进了教堂。
There is no sign upon her face, of last night's suffering; there is no trace in her manner, of the woman on the bended knees, reposing her wild head, in beautiful abandonment, upon the pillow of the sleeping girl. That girl, all gentle and lovely, is at her side - a striking contrast to her own disdainful and defiant figure, standing there, composed, erect, inscrutable of will, resplendent and majestic in the zenith of its charms, yet beating down, and treading on, the admiration that it challenges.昨夜的痛苦在她的脸上没有留下一丝痕迹;昨夜跪在地上,把狂怒的头美丽地、自暴自弃地安息在睡着的女孩子的枕头上的那个女人,在她现在的态度中没有留下半点踪影。那位女孩子十分温柔、十分可爱地挨在她身边,跟她本人蔑视一切、目中无人的姿态形成了鲜明的对照;她站在那里,镇静自若、挺然直立,心中的思想难以捉摸,那极为妩媚的风韵光辉而威严,但她却鄙弃地践踏着人们因此而产生的爱慕。
There is a pause while Mr Sownds the Beadle glides into the vestry for the clergyman and clerk. At this juncture, Mrs Skewton speaks to Mr Dombey: more distinctly and emphatically than her custom is, and moving at the same time, close to Edith.当教区事务员桑兹先生悄悄走到祭服室去请牧师和文书的时候,有一段停歇的时间。斯丘顿夫人在这时候跟董贝先生说话,比平时更清晰,也比平时更富于表情,在这同时她又走近伊迪丝。

'I am rejoiced, I am sure,' says Mr Carker. 'I was afraid I might be a few seconds after the appointed time, for I was delayed by a procession of waggons; and I took the liberty of riding round to Brook Street' - this to Mr Dombey - 'to leave a few poor rarities of flowers for Mrs Dombey. A man in my position, and so distinguished as to be invited here, is proud to offer some homage in acknowledgment of his vassalage: and as I have no doubt Mrs Dombey is overwhelmed with what is costly and magnificent;' with a strange glance at his patron; 'I hope the very poverty of my offering, may find favour for it.'
'Mrs Dombey, that is to be,' returns Mr Dombey, condescendingly, 'will be very sensible of your attention, Carker, I am sure.'
'And if she is to be Mrs Dombey this morning, Sir,' says the Major, putting down his coffee-cup, and looking at his watch, 'it's high time we were off!'
Forth, in a barouche, ride Mr Dombey, Major Bagstock, and Mr Carker, to the church. Mr Sownds the Beadle has long risen from the steps, and is in waiting with his cocked hat in his hand. Mrs Miff curtseys and proposes chairs in the vestry. Mr Dombey prefers remaining in the church. As he looks up at the organ, Miss Tox in the gallery shrinks behind the fat leg of a cherubim on a monument, with cheeks like a young Wind. Captain Cuttle, on the contrary, stands up and waves his hook, in token of welcome and encouragement. Mr Toots informs the Chicken, behind his hand, that the middle gentleman, he in the fawn-coloured pantaloons, is the father of his love. The Chicken hoarsely whispers Mr Toots that he's as stiff a cove as ever he see, but that it is within the resources of Science to double him up, with one blow in the waistcoat.
Mr Sownds and Mrs Miff are eyeing Mr Dombey from a little distance, when the noise of approaching wheels is heard, and Mr Sownds goes out. Mrs Miff, meeting Mr Dombey's eye as it is withdrawn from the presumptuous maniac upstairs, who salutes him with so much urbanity, drops a curtsey, and informs him that she believes his 'good lady' is come. Then there is a crowding and a whispering at the door, and the good lady enters, with a haughty step.
There is no sign upon her face, of last night's suffering; there is no trace in her manner, of the woman on the bended knees, reposing her wild head, in beautiful abandonment, upon the pillow of the sleeping girl. That girl, all gentle and lovely, is at her side - a striking contrast to her own disdainful and defiant figure, standing there, composed, erect, inscrutable of will, resplendent and majestic in the zenith of its charms, yet beating down, and treading on, the admiration that it challenges.
There is a pause while Mr Sownds the Beadle glides into the vestry for the clergyman and clerk. At this juncture, Mrs Skewton speaks to Mr Dombey: more distinctly and emphatically than her custom is, and moving at the same time, close to Edith.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
admiration [.ædmə'reiʃən]


n. 钦佩,赞赏

trace [treis]


n. 痕迹,踪迹,微量
vt. 追踪,找出根源

withdrawn [wið'drɔ:n]


adj. 偏僻的,离群的,孤独的,内向的 动词withd

procession [prə'seʃən]


n. 队伍,行列
v. 列队行进

presumptuous [pri'zʌmptjuəs]


adj. 放肆的,冒昧的

striking ['straikiŋ]


adj. 吸引人的,显著的
n. 打击

gallery ['gæləri]


n. 美术馆,画廊,顶层楼座,狭长的房间

composed [kəm'pəuzd]


adj. 镇静的,沉着的

stiff [stif]


adj. 硬的,僵直的,生硬的,拘谨的,不灵活的

defiant [di'faiənt]


adj. 挑衅的,目中无人





