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狄更斯双语小说:《董贝父子》第31章Part 7

来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

Cousin Feenix does that. He has come from Baden-Baden on purpose. 'Confound it,' Cousin Feenix says - good-natured creature, Cousin Feenix - 'when we do get a rich City fellow into the family, let us show him some attention; let us do something for him.' I give this woman to be married to this man,' saith Cousin Feenix therefore. Cousin Feenix, meaning to go in a straight line, but turning off sideways by reason of his wilful legs, gives the wrong woman to be married to this man, at first - to wit, a brides- maid of some condition, distantly connected with the family, and ten years Mrs Skewton's junior - but Mrs Miff, interposing her mortified bonnet, dexterously turns him back, and runs him, as on castors, full at the 'good lady:' whom Cousin Feenix giveth to married to this man accordingly. And will they in the sight of heaven - ? Ay, that they will: Mr Dombey says he will. And what says Edith? She will. So, from that day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do them part, they plight their troth to one another, and are married. In a firm, free hand, the Bride subscribes her name in the register, when they adjourn to the vestry. 'There ain't a many ladies come here,' Mrs Miff says with a curtsey - to look at Mrs Miff, at such a season, is to make her mortified bonnet go down with a dip - writes their names like this good lady!' Mr Sownds the Beadle thinks it is a truly spanking signature, and worthy of the writer - this, however, between himself and conscience.

Florence signs too, but unapplauded, for her hand shakes. All the party sign; Cousin Feenix last; who puts his noble name into a wrong place, and enrols himself as having been born that morning. The Major now salutes the Bride right gallantly, and carries out that branch of military tactics in reference to all the ladies: notwithstanding Mrs Skewton's being extremely hard to kiss, and squeaking shrilly in the sacred edIfice. The example is followed by Cousin. Feenix and even by Mr Dombey. Lastly, Mr Carker, with hIs white teeth glistening, approaches Edith, more as if he meant to bite her, than to taste the sweets that linger on her lips.弗洛伦斯也签了名,但没有受到称赞,因为她的手是颤抖的。所有的人都签了名;菲尼克斯表哥是最后一位,他把他高贵的姓名签错了地方,仿佛他是在这天早上出生似的。这时少校十分殷勤地吻了新娘,表示敬意,并把军事上那条各个击破的策略应用到所有的女士们身上;虽然斯丘顿夫人特别难吻,而且还在这神圣的殿堂中尖声叫着。菲尼克斯表哥,甚至连董贝先生也仿效了这个榜样。最后,卡克先生露出闪闪发光的白牙齿,走近伊迪丝,仿佛他打算去咬她,而不是去尝一尝她唇上的甜味似的。
There is a glow upon her proud cheek, and a flashing in her eyes, that may be meant to stay him; but it does not, for he salutes her as the rest have done, and wishes her all happiness.在她高傲的脸颊上泛上一阵红晕,在她的眼睛中闪出一道亮光,可能是想阻止他,但却没有阻止,因为他像其他的人一样吻了她,表示敬意,并向她祝福。
'If wishes,' says he in a low voice, 'are not superfluous, applied to such a union.'“如果在这样的结合中祝愿不是多余的话,”他低声说道。
'I thank you, Sir,' she answers, with a curled lip, and a heaving bosom.“谢谢您,先生,”她轻蔑、厌恶地歪着嘴唇,胸脯上下起伏地回答道。

Cousin Feenix does that. He has come from Baden-Baden on purpose. 'Confound it,' Cousin Feenix says - good-natured creature, Cousin Feenix - 'when we do get a rich City fellow into the family, let us show him some attention; let us do something for him.' I give this woman to be married to this man,' saith Cousin Feenix therefore. Cousin Feenix, meaning to go in a straight line, but turning off sideways by reason of his wilful legs, gives the wrong woman to be married to this man, at first - to wit, a brides- maid of some condition, distantly connected with the family, and ten years Mrs Skewton's junior - but Mrs Miff, interposing her mortified bonnet, dexterously turns him back, and runs him, as on castors, full at the 'good lady:' whom Cousin Feenix giveth to married to this man accordingly. And will they in the sight of heaven - ? Ay, that they will: Mr Dombey says he will. And what says Edith? She will. So, from that day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do them part, they plight their troth to one another, and are married. In a firm, free hand, the Bride subscribes her name in the register, when they adjourn to the vestry. 'There ain't a many ladies come here,' Mrs Miff says with a curtsey - to look at Mrs Miff, at such a season, is to make her mortified bonnet go down with a dip - writes their names like this good lady!' Mr Sownds the Beadle thinks it is a truly spanking signature, and worthy of the writer - this, however, between himself and conscience.
Florence signs too, but unapplauded, for her hand shakes. All the party sign; Cousin Feenix last; who puts his noble name into a wrong place, and enrols himself as having been born that morning. The Major now salutes the Bride right gallantly, and carries out that branch of military tactics in reference to all the ladies: notwithstanding Mrs Skewton's being extremely hard to kiss, and squeaking shrilly in the sacred edIfice. The example is followed by Cousin. Feenix and even by Mr Dombey. Lastly, Mr Carker, with hIs white teeth glistening, approaches Edith, more as if he meant to bite her, than to taste the sweets that linger on her lips.
There is a glow upon her proud cheek, and a flashing in her eyes, that may be meant to stay him; but it does not, for he salutes her as the rest have done, and wishes her all happiness.
'If wishes,' says he in a low voice, 'are not superfluous, applied to such a union.'
'I thank you, Sir,' she answers, with a curled lip, and a heaving bosom.

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sacred ['seikrid]


adj. 神圣的,受尊重的

extremely [iks'tri:mli]


adv. 极其,非常

conscience ['kɔnʃəns]


n. 良心,责任心,顾忌

adjourn [ə'dʒə:n]


v. (使)延期,中止,换地方

cherish ['tʃeriʃ]


vt. 珍爱,抚育,珍藏

register ['redʒistə]


v. 记录,登记,注册,挂号
n. 暂存器,记

confound [kən'faund]


vt. 使困惑,混淆,挫败,诅咒 vt. 破坏,浪费

superfluous [sju:'pə:fluəs]


adj. 多余的,过剩的

military ['militəri]


adj. 军事的
n. 军队

reference ['refrəns]


n. 参考,出处,参照
n. 推荐人,推荐函<





