While the video game industry is still dominated by men, the number of women in power at video game companies is growing. But it's not growing as quickly as it should, given the acceleration of female players around the world, says Wanda Meloni, founder of M2 Research. Women currently comprise less than 15% of the games industry.
虽然视频游戏业仍然是男性的天下,但执掌视频游戏公司的女性高管正在不断增加。然而,M2研究公司(M2 Research)创始人旺达马龙尼认为,鉴于全球女性玩家加速增长的态势,女性掌门人的增速还未达到其应有水平。视频游戏业的女性高管占比目前还不到15%。
In contrast, research firm Newzoo has found that of the 1.2 billion people playing video games globally, 46%, or 570 million, are female, with the highest share of women playing in Latin America (49%) and the lowest in Asia-Pacific region (43%).
"In the U.S., around 170 million Americans play online, mobile, PC, or console games," said Peter Warman, founder of Newzoo. "Almost half, 48%, of these gamers are female." Warman notes the majority of female gamers -- 55% of them -- is older than 30.
The most popular platform to play games on are smartphones and tablets, according to Newzoo research. Three out of four American female gamers, or 61.7 million women, play games on their mobile device.
In the video game industry, Meloni found that there are slightly higher numbers of women working in casual games. She also found more women entrenched in the non-entertainment serious games sector. Women tend to be more dominant in executive production and management rolls where they can oversee the process. Where they fall short is in the more technical capacity of programming and audio design.
"Aside from getting more women to view games as a positive career option for them, we need to support them in all areas of production, design and development," said Meloni. "Additionally, we need to work on pay equity and more positive mentoring activities."
Here are 10 powerful women in games today, any of whom would serve as good role models for female gamers looking to enter the interactive entertainment work force.
Hope Cochran
Title: CFO
Company: King
Casual game publisher and developer King is heading towards an IPO. The maker of hit cross-platform games like Candy Crush Saga and Bubble Witch Saga lured CFO Hope Cochran away from Clearwire Inc. The Swedish mobile game developer, which tests games out on its main site before fine-tuning them for Facebook (FB, Fortune 500) and then monetizing them on mobile, is one of the fastest-growing companies out there. King has over 1 billion gameplays per day globally across 150 exclusive games in 14 languages through mobile, Facebook and online. Cochran previously helped raise over $11 billion while at Evant, which bodes well for King's IPO and aggressive growth plans.
休闲游戏发行商和开发商King公司即将启动IPO(首次公开招股)。作为《糖果粉碎传奇》(Candy Crush Saga)和《泡泡女巫传说》(Bubble Witch Saga)等热门跨平台游戏的制造商,King公司从Clearwire公司挖来了首席财务官霍普柯克伦。这家瑞典移动游戏开发商是游戏领域增长最快的公司之一。它通常先在自己的主站点测试游戏,然后根据Facebook的要求予以微调,最终在移动设备上出售这些游戏。全球各地玩家每天通过移动设备、Facebook和互联网操作King公司旗下150款拥有14个语言版本的独家游戏,日均游戏次数高达10亿以上。此前在Evant公司任职期间,柯克伦曾经帮助该公司募集了110亿美元。对于King公司的IPO和雄心勃勃的增长计划而言,这份履历是个好兆头。
Stephanie Barish
Title: CEO
Company: IndieCADE
With the proliferation of mobile gaming, there's been a boom in independent game developers around the world. Even big console makers likeSony (SNE) and Microsoft (MSFT,Fortune 500) are embracing indies with their current and next-gen consoles. Stephanie Barish has helped spotlight the greatest minds in independent game development today through IndieCade, which has partnered with established gaming events like Penny Arcade Expo (PAX) and Game Developers Conference and also held its own festivities. Barish previously founded and created the blueprint for the Annenberg Center for Communications' Institute for Multimedia Literacy (IML) at the University of Southern California.
随着手机游戏的加速普及,世界各地如雨后春笋般涌现出了许多独立游戏开发商。就连索尼(Sony)和微软(Microsoft)等大型游戏机制造商也纷纷通过当前主打的游戏机和下一代游戏机向这些独立开发商示好。史蒂芬尼巴里斯推动独立游戏开发领域目前最伟大的头脑汇聚一堂,成为世人关注的焦点——她执掌的IndieCade公司不仅与西雅图游戏展(Penny Arcade Expo)和游戏开发者大会(Game Developers Conference)等游戏业盛事合作,还举办自己的游戏节。巴里斯此前在南加州大学(University of Southern California)的多媒体素养研究所(Institute for Multimedia Literacy)创建了安纳伯格通讯研究中心(Annenberg Center for Communications),还为它绘制了发展蓝图。
Holly Liu
Title: Co-Founder and Chief of Staff
Company: Kabam
Mobile game maker Kabam has had great success reaching mainstream gamers through Hollywood licensed product like Fast & Furious 6: The Game (33 million installs worldwide) and original franchises like Kingdoms of Camelot. That franchise, which has made over $200 million to date, saw Kingdoms of Camelot: Battle for the North become the top-grossing app on iOS in 2012. Liu was an initial designer on that game expansion. She has also grown Kabam's personnel base by 500% in three years with more than 600 employees around the world. Liu was previously Senior User Interface Designer for AOL (AOL).
通过《速度与激情6:游戏》(Fast & Furious 6: The Game,已在全球安装了3,300万部)等好莱坞授权产品和《亚瑟王国》(Kingdoms of Camelot)等原创游戏,手机游戏制造商Kabam极其成功地打入主流游戏市场。迄今为止,《亚瑟王国》系列游戏已创下逾2,000万美元的收入,《亚瑟王国:北方之战》(Kingdoms of Camelot: Battle for the North)更是在2012年成为 iOS商店最卖座的应用。霍莉刘是这款游戏扩张的初始设计师。此外,她还推动员工团队在3年内增长了500%,Kabam公司目前在全球各地拥有600多名员工。霍莉刘曾在美国在线(AOL)担任高级用户界面设计师。
Emily Greer
Title: Co-Founder and CEO
Company: Kongregate
Emily Greer and her brother Jim created casual video game site Kongregate back in 2006. She led the initial product development of Kongregate, from the first wireframes to live site, including designing the level and points system that lures gamers back to try more of the never-ending stream of free-to-play games. Leading video game retailer GameStop (GME, Fortune 500) acquired the site in 2010, connecting its global gamers to the growing library of titles. After expanding its offerings to mobile, Kongregate recently invested $10 million to fund new game developers and help them reach an audience.