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来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
"Diced.""Thank you," shouted Arthur, tipping up his chair and backing away from the table in horror.“切片。”“多谢了。”阿瑟终于忍不住叫道,他从座位上猛地弹起来,惊恐的从桌边向后退去。
"It could always be replaced," said Benji reasonably, "if you think it's important.""Yes, an electronic brain," said Frankie, "a simple one would suffice."“通常情况下,它是可以替代的。”本吉通情达理的说,“如果你真的认为它很重要的话。”“是的,一个电子脑,”弗兰克说,“一个最简单就足够了。
"A simple one!" wailed Arthur.“一个最简单的!”阿瑟简直是在哀号。
"Yeah," said Zaphod with a sudden evil grin, "you'd just have to program it to say What? and I don't understand and Where's the tea? — who'd know the difference?" "What?" cried Arthur, backing away still further.“是啊。”赞福德突然一连坏笑的说,“你只需要变成让它会说‘什么?’、‘我不明白’以及‘茶在哪儿?’就行了,谁又知道两者的区别呢?”“什么?”阿瑟叫道,向后退得更远了。
"See what I mean?" said Zaphod and howled with pain because of something that Trillian did at that moment.“你明白我的意思吗?”赞福德说,然后疼得大叫了一声,因为崔莉恩对他做了一个小小的动作。
"I'd notice the difference," said Arthur.“我会注意到它们的区别的。”阿瑟说。
"No you wouldn't," said Frankie mouse, "you'd be programmed not to."Ford made for the door.“不,你不会的。”弗兰克老鼠说,“你会被编程设定为不会。”这时福特向门口走去。
"Look, I'm sorry, mice old lads," he said. "I don't think we've got a deal.""I rather think we have to have a deal," said the mice in chorus, all the charm vanishing fro their piping little voices in an instant. With a tiny whining shriek their two glass transports lifted themselves off the table, and swung through the air towards Arthur, who stumbled further backwards into a blind corner, utterly unable to cope or think of anything.“瞧,对不起了,老鼠们,老伙计们。”他说,“我不认为我们已经达成了一致。”“我更认为我们必须达成一致。”两只老鼠齐声说。在他们细微但尖利的声音里,令人愉快的魅力顷刻之间就消失的无影无踪。带着轻微的嘶叫声,两架玻璃交通工具载着他们离开桌面,划过空中朝阿瑟飞去,而阿瑟已经退进了一个死角,完全无力反抗,也丧失了思考任何东西的能力。
Trillian grabbed him desperately by the arm and tried to drag him towards the door, which Ford and Zaphod were struggling to open, but Arthur was dead weight - he seemed hypnotized by the airborne rodents swooping towards him.崔莉恩绝望的伸出手臂把阿瑟抓了过来,试图拉着他向门口逃。福特和赞福德正在竭尽全力想打开那扇门,但这时阿瑟却变得死沉死沉的——他似乎被正在从空中向他扑过来的啮齿动物们催眠了。
She screamed at him, but he just gaped.她冲他尖叫,但他还是一脸茫然。

"Diced.""Thank you," shouted Arthur, tipping up his chair and backing away from the table in horror.
"It could always be replaced," said Benji reasonably, "if you think it's important.""Yes, an electronic brain," said Frankie, "a simple one would suffice."
"A simple one!" wailed Arthur.
"Yeah," said Zaphod with a sudden evil grin, "you'd just have to program it to say What? and I don't understand and Where's the tea? — who'd know the difference?" "What?" cried Arthur, backing away still further.
"See what I mean?" said Zaphod and howled with pain because of something that Trillian did at that moment.
"I'd notice the difference," said Arthur.
"No you wouldn't," said Frankie mouse, "you'd be programmed not to."Ford made for the door.
"Look, I'm sorry, mice old lads," he said. "I don't think we've got a deal.""I rather think we have to have a deal," said the mice in chorus, all the charm vanishing fro their piping little voices in an instant. With a tiny whining shriek their two glass transports lifted themselves off the table, and swung through the air towards Arthur, who stumbled further backwards into a blind corner, utterly unable to cope or think of anything.
Trillian grabbed him desperately by the arm and tried to drag him towards the door, which Ford and Zaphod were struggling to open, but Arthur was dead weight - he seemed hypnotized by the airborne rodents swooping towards him.
She screamed at him, but he just gaped.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
chorus ['kɔ:rəs]


n. 合唱队,歌舞队,齐声说道,副歌部分,

suffice [sə'fais]


vi. 足够,合格
vt. 使 ... 足够

shriek [ʃri:k]


v. 尖叫,叫喊 n. 尖叫

grin [grin]


v. 露齿而笑,(以咧嘴笑来)表示
n. 露齿

understand [.ʌndə'stænd]


vt. 理解,懂,听说,获悉,将 ... 理解为,认为<

charm [tʃɑ:m]


n. 魅力,迷人,吸引力,美貌
v. (使)陶

fro [frəu]


adv. 向那边,向后,离开,回来





