Valerie Trierweiler has broken her silence to contact a radio station from hospital, denying that Fran?ois Hollande had declined to visit her and insisting instead that he had been barred from doing so by doctors.
"She doesn't want to people to think he is neglecting her at such a painful time," said a reporter for RTL radio in France, after speaking to the de facto First Lady. "It was the doctors who had forbidden the head of state to visit her, it is a widespread practice in case of psychological distress. The patient is temporarily confined, kept at distance from their entourage to get better."Miss Trierweiler, who was taken to hospital on Friday after hearing about Mr Hollande's alleged affair with actress Julie Gayet, was still under observation in the Salpétrière hospital in Paris.
"She is still very tired to the extent that she cannot stand up. Her blood pressure and morale are low but she hopes to leave with her head held high to and is prepared to fight, at least for her dignity," RTL said she told the station.
She further added that he had sent her flowers and chocolates, and said that she had not suffered a nervous breakdown but rather “extreme fatigue.”And yet in a sign that the battle to save or sacrifice their relationship is now playing out via the media, an Elysée source told RTL radio that the president was “not unhappy” about the hospital orders forbidding him to visit.
Earlier on Thursday, sources said that Miss Trierweiler was determined to "stand by her man" and fight to save the relationship.Le Nouvel Observateur, the Left-leaning weekly magazine reported, she has “not the slightest intention of packing her bags”.
“OK to forgive, but no OK to leave,” it wrote, saying she intended to “stand by her man”, like Hillary Clinton after the Monica Lewinsky affair. He has promised to “clarify” the situation before a visit to the White House on February 11.
英国《每日邮报》1月16日曝光了奥朗德和他的三个女人——前女友罗雅尔、现女友瓦莱丽和绯闻女友加耶共同亮相的照片。照片拍摄于奥朗德2012年参选总统的活动现场。照片显示,奥朗德在和女友瓦莱丽握手,绯闻女友加耶在背后深深凝视着这一幕,罗雅尔则坐在不远处。旧爱新欢同台竞艳,奥朗德大享齐人之福。 “偷腥”传闻已经让奥朗德焦头烂额、应接不暇,孰料“屋漏偏逢连夜雨”,16日当天,一位法国农民将一车马粪倒在了法国国会门口,以示对奥朗德的不满。据报道,该男子将标有“奥朗德和他的政治阶层下台”的车停在国会门口,并将一车马粪倾倒出来。男子已经被捕,抗议动机还不明朗。法国媒体进一步爆料称,奥朗德原本打算在上周末与瓦莱丽分手,但在后者被送入医院后暂时摒弃了该想法。那么瓦莱丽究竟是鸠占鹊巢、濒死挣扎还是地位稳固、有恃无恐?目前这场闹剧越来越扑朔迷离。不过奥朗德日前承诺将在2月11日访美之前澄清谁是“第一女友”,届时必将一清二楚。