While Samsung Electronics unveiled its new Gear 2 smartwatch to much fanfare, China's Huawei Technologies also made its own foray into the wearable device market this weekend.
在三星电子(Samsung Electronics)隆重推出其新款Gear 2智能手表之际,中国的华为技术有限公司(Huawei Technologies)上个周末也开始进军可穿戴设备市场。
Huawei's TalkBand B1, unveiled at Mobile World Congress in Spain, is similar to most other smart bands worn around the wrist, keeping time and offering health-tracking features. But Huawei adds a little twist by making the device act as a Bluetooth headset for wireless phone calls.
华为在西班牙举行的世界移动通信大会(Mobile World Congress)上发布了智能手环TalkBand B1。与大多数腕式智能设备一样,TalkBand具有时钟和健康追踪功能。但略显不同的是,该智能手环配备了蓝牙耳机,可支持无线通话。
Part of the wristband-like device comes off and turns into a earpiece, allowing users to make calls without taking their phones out of their pockets or bags. Huawei says the new device is compatible with both Android and Apple's iOS operating systems.
The Shenzhen-based company, whose mainstay business is supplying telecommunications networking gear to carriers, is the latest company to enter the fledgling market for wearables. Ahead of the World Mobile Congress in Barcelona, Huawei, still little-known as a consumer brand, was teasing its first wearable device on Chinese social media sites.
The market for smartwatches and smart bands is getting increasingly crowded and competitive, even though many consumers are still not convinced that they need yet another connected device in addition to smartphones and tablets. A person familiar with the situation told The Wall Street Journal Sunday that Google is preparing an Android smartwatch with LG Electronics.
越来越多的公司正涌入智能手表和智能手环市场,使得竞争不断加剧,哪怕许多消费者仍不确定除了智能手机和平板电脑之外他们是否还需要另外的连接设备。一位知情人士周日向《华尔街日报》(The Wall Street Journal Sunday)透露,谷歌(Google)准备与LG电子(LG Electronics)合作推出一款安卓智能手表。
Huawei says the TalkBand will become available in China next month, and then in Western Europe, the Middle East, Russia and Japan in the second quarter. In Europe, the suggested retail price is EUR99 ($136).
The price isn't very low compared to more fitness-oriented smart bands. Nike's FuelBand SE, for example, sells for $149 on the company's online store.
与其他更注重健康功能的智能手环相比,TalkBand的价格算不上很低廉。以耐克(Nike)的FuelBand SE为例,其官网售价为149美元。
Other than the wireless calling function, Huawei says the TalkBand's podometer-like feature counts your steps and calculates how many calories you have burned. The company also claims that the device can keeps track of the duration and quality of your sleep.