Thousands of telecom and tech CEOs, vendors, suppliers government officials, reporters and gadgets junkies are descending on Fira Gran Via exhibition center in Barcelona this weekend for the start of Mobile World Congress.
成千上万名电讯、科技公司首席执行长、零售商、供应商、政府官员、记者本周末齐聚巴萨罗那Fira Gran Via展览中心,参加全球移动大会(Mobile World Congress),同时亮相的还有最新的电子产品。
It may not have the cachet of the Consumer Electronics Show, held each January in Las Vegas. But MWC has over the years transformed itself--from largely a trade show for European telecom executives and telco suppliers, into a global showcase in its own right for gadgets and tech companies.
全球移动大会可能不像每年1月份在拉斯维加斯举行的消费电子产品展(Consumer Electronics Show)那么有名,但是多年来它已经从欧洲电讯业高管和电讯供应商参加的贸易展逐步转变为电子产品和科技公司展示自己的全球性舞台。
Much of the show's new swagger comes thanks to the explosive intersection of computing and mobile devices in recent years. Underscoring its new position in the tech world, Facebook Inc. CEO Mark Zuckerberg is giving one of the show's keynotes.
全球移动大会近年来日益引人注目的主要原因是电脑和移动设备正在呈现爆炸式的交融。Facebook Inc.首席执行长扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)将在移动大会上发表主题演讲,更凸显了大会在科技世界的新地位。
Jan Koum, WhatsApp chief executive and the guy who just agreed to sell his company to Mr. Zuckerberg for $19 billion, is also addressing the congress, along with a stable of chiefs of the world's biggest telecom companies.
WhatsApp首席执行长库姆(Jan Koum)也与世界最大科技公司的一众老板们一道出席大会;库姆刚刚以190亿美元向扎克伯格出售了WhatsApp。
And there will be plenty of old-tech CEOs, like Virginia Rometty at IBM and John Chambers from Cisco Systems.
参会人员还有许多旧科技公司的首席执行长,包括国际商业公司(IBM)的罗曼提(Virginia Rometty)和思科系统(Cisco Systems)的钱伯斯(John Chambers)。
Last year's show attracted more than 72,000 attendees, including 4,300 CEOs from mobile operators, device manufacturers and technology firms. There were 1,700 exhibitor. Oh, and 3,400 journalists.
So what are the biggest things to watch?
-- Samsung's new flagship: Samsung hosts its 'Unpacked' event on Monday evening, where the company is expected to unveil its next Galaxy S5 flagship smartphone.
三星电子(Samsung)的最新旗舰产品:该公司将在周一晚间举行发布仪式,预计将推出下一代Galaxy S5旗舰智能手机。
--The future of Tizen: Samsung is also expected give its home-grown OS a leg up by offering its own Tizen-driven devices. They unveiled the first, a Tizen-powered smartwatch, just a few hours ago.
-- Nokia's first Android phone: Having lost its footing on the fast-growing sub-$100 smartphone market, the Finnish company is expected to introduce a low cost-smartphone, aimed for consumers in emerging markets that runs Android...without promoting Google's services.
-- Zuckerberg's keynote: Faceook's founder will make his first public appearance after his WhatsApp deal. The acquisition, as well as Mr. Zuckerberg's presence at the mobile fair, highlights Facebook's metamorphosis into a mobile company.
-- Telco deals?: A long-expected wave of European telecom consolidation will also be on CEOs' minds when they gather for closed-door meetings. Will AT&T's Randall Stephenson and Vodafone Group's Vittorio Colao end up in the same room together? AT&T has made no secret of its interest in buying big into the European market.
电讯业的并购交易?欧洲电信业期待已久的整合大潮也将成为首席执行长们参加闭门会议的议题。美国电报电话公司(AT&T)的史蒂芬森(Randall Stephenson)和沃达丰(Vodafone Group)的克劳(Vittorio Colao)会走到一起吗?此前美国电报电话公司已经毫不掩饰其在欧洲市场进行大举收购的兴趣。