Apple issued an update for its OS X software for Mac computers to patch a security risk first spotted in its mobile operating system.
苹果公司发布了Mac电脑所用OS X软件的更新版本,对旗下移动操作系统中出现的首个安全隐患打上了补丁。
The company said the software addresses a flaw that allows a would-be attacker to intercept data to or from a Mac computer, such as email. Last week, Apple issued a similar security fix for its iOS software that runs on the iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch.
该公司称,更新后的软件消除了一个缺陷,这个缺陷允许潜在攻击者拦截Mac电脑发出或接收的数据,比如电子邮件。上周,苹果针对iPhone、iPad和iPod Touch运行的iOS软件发布了类似的安全补丁。
At the time, it said that it was aware that the Mac operating system had a similar security risk and that it was working on a fix.
In addition to the security fix, the latest OS X update also adds the ability to make audio calls on Apple's FaceTime service as well as other improvements to its Mail software and Safari browser.
除了安全补丁之外,最新更新的OS X操作系统也增添了使用苹果公司FaceTime服务进行语音通话的功能,同时还对苹果Mail软件和Safari浏览器进行了完善。
Even as Apple released the fixes, security firm FireEye said it has discovered a way that a hacker could monitor activity on Apple's mobile software. FireEye said it has created a proof-of-concept monitoring app for iOS 7 devices that can record whatever a user touches on the screen, similar to the way some programs log keystrokes on a computer. FireEye said it is collaborating with Apple to address the issue.
尽管苹果发布了补丁,但安全公司FireEye表示,已经发现黑客能使用一种方法来监控苹果移动软件的活动。FireEye称,公司已经针对iOS 7设备创建了一个概念验证型监控应用,可以记录用户在屏幕上触碰的任何东西,其方式类似于一些程序记录电脑按键信息的方式。FireEye称,公司正与苹果开展合作以解决相关问题。
An Apple spokeswoman declined to comment on FireEye's claim.