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来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
He picked up five small plastic squares and laid them on the board that lay just in front of the rack.他从一堆塑料小方块中拴出五个,把它们摆放在架子前面的地板上0。
The five squares had on them the five letters E, X, Q, U and I. He laid them next to the letters S, I, T, E.这五个小方块上各有一个字母,E、x、O、u和I。他把他们放在另外四个字母s、I、T和E旁边。
“Exquisite,” he said, “on a triple word score. Scores rather a lot I’m afraid.”“Exoui,精致,”他说,“三乘三,三倍分疽。恐怕这个分值太高了。”
The ship bumped and scattered some of the letters for the n’th time.飞船颠簸了一下,第n次弄乱了字母。
Trillian sighed and started to sort them out again.崔莉恩叹了口气,又一次把它们重新排列好。
Up and down the silent corridors echoed Ford Prefect’s feet as he stalked the ship thumping dead instruments.安静的走廊里回荡着福特长官的脚步声。他在飞船内大步走!毫无生命的设备。
Why did the ship keep shaking? he thought.Why did it rock and sway?Why could he not find out where they were?Where, basically, were they?The left-hand tower of The Hitch Hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy offices streaked through interstellar space at a speed never equalled either before or since by any other office block in the Universe.In a room halfway up it, Zaphod Beeblebrox strode angrily.为什么飞船总在不停地震颤?他想。为什么它在摇摆、晃动,为什么他搞不清楚他们这是在哪儿,最基本的问题:他们这是在哪儿,《银河系漫游指南》办公大楼左边的那座塔楼,飞陕地穿行在星际空间之中,和整个宇宙中其他所有的力公大楼相比,那种速度简直是空前绝后的,塔楼中部的一个房间里,赞福德·毕博布鲁克斯正气愤地大步踱着。
Roosta sat on the edge of the desk doing some routine towel maintenance.罗斯塔坐在桌缘,正在为他的毛巾做日常保养。
“Hey, where did you say this building was flying to?” demanded Zaphod.“嘿,你刚才说这栋楼要飞到哪儿来着?”赞福德问。
“The Frogstar,” said Roosta, “the most totally evil place in the Universe.”“蛙星,”罗斯塔回答说,“宇宙中晟邪恶的地方。”
“Do they have food there?” said Zaphod.“那儿有吃的吗,”赞祸德说。
“Food? You’re going to the Frogstar and you’re worried about whether they got food?”“吃的?你都快去蛙星了,居然还操心他们那儿有没有吃的!”
“Without food I may not make it to the Frogstar.”“要是没有吃的,我足不会去蛙星的。”
Out of the window, they could see nothing but the flickering light of the force beams, and vague green streaks which were presumably the distorted shapes of the Frogstar Fighters. At this speed, space itself was invisible, and indeed unreal.窗户外面,他们什么也看不见,除了强力光束的闪烁,以及一该足蛙星战斗舰被扭曲了的轮廓,在这样的高速下,空间本身是看不见的,同时也是不真实的。
“Here, suck this,” said Roosta, offering Zaphod his towel.“来吧,舔舔这个。”罗斯塔说,把毛巾递给他。
Zaphod stared at him as if he expected a cuckoo to leap out of his forehead on a small spring.赞福德盯着他,仿佛期待着一只布谷鸟从他的前额轻轻一跃跳出来。
“It’s soaked in nutrients,” explained Roosta.“这是在营养液里泡过的。”罗斯塔解释说。
“What are you, a messy eater or something?” said Zaphod.“你究竟是谁,一个邋遢食客,还是别的什么东西?”赞福德说,
“The yellow stripes are high in protein, the green ones have vitamin B and C complexes, the little pink flowers contain wheatgerm extracts.”“这些黄色的条纹富含蛋白质,绿色的含有维他命B和C的混合物,这些粉红色小花则含有麦芽提取物。”
Zaphod took and looked at it in amazement.赞福德接过毛巾,惊讶地看着。
“What are the brown stains?” he asked.“这些褐色斑点呢,”他问。

He picked up five small plastic squares and laid them on the board that lay just in front of the rack.
The five squares had on them the five letters E, X, Q, U and I. He laid them next to the letters S, I, T, E.
“Exquisite,” he said, “on a triple word score. Scores rather a lot I’m afraid.”
The ship bumped and scattered some of the letters for the n’th time.
Trillian sighed and started to sort them out again.
Up and down the silent corridors echoed Ford Prefect’s feet as he stalked the ship thumping dead instruments.
Why did the ship keep shaking? he thought.Why did it rock and sway?Why could he not find out where they were?Where, basically, were they?The left-hand tower of The Hitch Hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy offices streaked through interstellar space at a speed never equalled either before or since by any other office block in the Universe.In a room halfway up it, Zaphod Beeblebrox strode angrily.
Roosta sat on the edge of the desk doing some routine towel maintenance.
“Hey, where did you say this building was flying to?” demanded Zaphod.
“The Frogstar,” said Roosta, “the most totally evil place in the Universe.”
“Do they have food there?” said Zaphod.
“Food? You’re going to the Frogstar and you’re worried about whether they got food?”
“Without food I may not make it to the Frogstar.”
Out of the window, they could see nothing but the flickering light of the force beams, and vague green streaks which were presumably the distorted shapes of the Frogstar Fighters. At this speed, space itself was invisible, and indeed unreal.
“Here, suck this,” said Roosta, offering Zaphod his towel.
Zaphod stared at him as if he expected a cuckoo to leap out of his forehead on a small spring.
“It’s soaked in nutrients,” explained Roosta.
“What are you, a messy eater or something?” said Zaphod.
“The yellow stripes are high in protein, the green ones have vitamin B and C complexes, the little pink flowers contain wheatgerm extracts.”
Zaphod took and looked at it in amazement.
“What are the brown stains?” he asked.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
invisible [in'vizəbl]


adj. 看不见的,无形的
n. 隐形人(或物

routine [ru:'ti:n]


n. 例行公事,常规,无聊
adj. 常规的,

block [blɔk]


n. 街区,木块,石块
n. 阻塞(物), 障

protein ['prəuti:n]


n. 蛋白质

soaked [səukt]


adj. 湿透的 动词soak的过去式和过去分词

contain [kən'tein]


vt. 包含,容纳,克制,抑制
vi. 自制

cuckoo ['kuku:]


n. 杜鹃,布谷鸟,咕咕声
n. 傻子,疯子<

galaxy ['gæləksi]


n. 银河,一群显赫之人

vague [veig]


adj. 模糊的,不明确的,犹豫不决的,茫然的

score [skɔ:]


n. 得分,刻痕,二十,乐谱
vt. 记分,刻





