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来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
The air around the second planet of the Frogstar system was stale and unwholesome.围绕着蛙星星系第二颗行星的,是一层不利于健康的陈腐大气。
The dank winds that swept continually over its surface swept over salt flats, dried up marshland, tangled and rotting vegetation and the crumbling remains of ruined cities. No life moved across its surface. The ground, like that of many planets in this part of the Galaxy, had long been deserted.潮湿阴冷的风持续不断地席卷行星表面,刮过盐碱地,吹干褶泽,侵蚀着植被、以及废弃城市的零散遗址。整个行星表面没有任何生物出没。和位于银河系这一区域内的其他许多行星一样,这片土地已被抛弃很久很久了。
The howl of the wind was desolate enough as it gusted through the old decaying houses of the cities; it was more desolate as it whipped about the bottoms of the tall black towers that swayed uneasily here and there about the surface of this world. At the top of these towers lived colonies of large, scraggy, evil smelling birds, the sole survivors of the civilization that once lived here.刮过那些正在腐烂的旧房子时,风的嚎叫声显得格外凄凉;当风鞭打着东一处、西一处散布在这片荒凉世界的表面、不安地摇晃着的黑色高塔的底座时,它的嚎叫就更加凄凉了。在这些高塔顶端,栖息着一群群鸟,巨大、枯瘦,散发出极其难闻的气味,它们是曾经出现在这片土地上的文明为数不多的幸存者,
The howl of the wind was at its most desolate, however, when it passed over a pimple of a place set in the middle of a wide grey plain on the outskirts of the largest of the abandoned cities.然而,只有当风刮过位于所有那些被遗弃的城市中最大的座的郊区、一块宽阔的灰暗平原正中的一个圆丘时,它的嚎叫才足最凄凉的。
This pimple of a place was the thing that had earned this world the reputation of being the most totally evil place in the Galaxy. From without it was simply a steel dome about thirty feet across. From within it was something more monstrous than the mind can comprehend.正是这个圆丘,为这个世界赢得了“银河系中最邪恶的地方”这一声名。从外面看来,它不过是一个直径大约i十英了的钢铁拱顶。但如果从里面看的话,它大得简直超出了正常思维所能理解的范嗣,
About a hundred yards or so away, and separated from it by a pockmarked and blasted stretch of the most barren land imaginable was what would probably have to be described as a landing pad of sorts. That is to say that scattered over a largish area were the ungainly hulks of two or three dozen crash-landed buildings.大约一百码以外,和它之间隔着坑坑洼洼的一段所能想像到的最贫瘠的土地,是一块也许应该被定义为着陆区或者类似东西的区域。也就是说,难看地散布这一大片区域内的几十座建筑物残骸,都是紧急降落下来的。
Flitting over and around these buildings was a mind, a mind that was waiting for something.一缕意识在这些建筑物的上方和四周游荡,等待着什么。
The mind directed its attention into the air, and before very long a distant speck appeared, surrounded by a ring of smaller specks.这缕意识把注意力集中到空中。没过多久,远处出现了一个斑点,嗣绕着它的是一罔更小的斑点。
The larger speck was the left-hand tower of The Hitch Hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy office building, descending through the stratosphere of Frogstar World B.大一点儿的那个斑点就是《银河系漫游指南》办公大楼左边的塔楼,它正穿越蛙星系B世界的同温层往下降落。
As it descended, Roosta suddenly broke the long uncomfortable silence that had grown up between the two men.降落过程中,罗斯塔突然打破了两人之间长时间让人不舒服的沉默。
He stood up and gathered his towel into a bag. He said: “Beeblebrox, I will now do the job I was sent here to do.”他站起身,把毛巾收进一个袋子里,说:“毕博布鲁克斯,我现在就要做派我来这儿所要做的T作
Zaphod looked up at him from where he was sitting in a corner sharing unspoken thoughts with Marvin.赞槁德抬起头看着他:他坐在一个角落里,和马文一样沉默地思考着。
“Yeah?” he said.“什么,”他说。
“The building will shortly be landing. When you leave the building, do not go out of the door,” said Roosta, “go out of the window.”“这栋大楼马上就要降落了。当你离开大楼时,别从门走,”罗斯塔说,“从窗户出去,”
“Good luck,” he added, and walked out of the door, disappearing from Zaphod’s life as mysteriously as he had entered it.“祝你好运。”他卫补充了一句,然后走出门去,从此在赞福德的生命中消失了——和他进人时同样神秘。
Zaphod leapt up and tried the door, but Roosta had already looked it. He shrugged and returned to the corner.赞福德跳起来,冲到门边,但罗斯塔已经把门锁上了。所以他只好耸了耸肩,回到角落里,
Two minutes later, the building crashlanded amongst the other wreckage. Its escort of Frogstar Fighters deactivated their force beams and soared off into the air again, bound for Frogstar World A, an altogether more congenial spot. They never landed on Frogstar World B. No one did. No one ever walked on its surface other than the intended victims of the Total Perspective Vortex.两分钟后,大楼轰然降落在那一堆建筑物残骸中间。接着,它的蛙星战斗舰护卫队关闭了引力光柬,重新飞进太空,飞向蛙星系。世界相对而言,那是一个令人愉快的地方,他们从来不在蛙星系B世界上降落。没有人会这么做。没有人曾经在这颗星球的表面行走过,除了那些注定要成为绝对透视旋涡的牺牲品的人。

The air around the second planet of the Frogstar system was stale and unwholesome.
The dank winds that swept continually over its surface swept over salt flats, dried up marshland, tangled and rotting vegetation and the crumbling remains of ruined cities. No life moved across its surface. The ground, like that of many planets in this part of the Galaxy, had long been deserted.
The howl of the wind was desolate enough as it gusted through the old decaying houses of the cities; it was more desolate as it whipped about the bottoms of the tall black towers that swayed uneasily here and there about the surface of this world. At the top of these towers lived colonies of large, scraggy, evil smelling birds, the sole survivors of the civilization that once lived here.
The howl of the wind was at its most desolate, however, when it passed over a pimple of a place set in the middle of a wide grey plain on the outskirts of the largest of the abandoned cities.
This pimple of a place was the thing that had earned this world the reputation of being the most totally evil place in the Galaxy. From without it was simply a steel dome about thirty feet across. From within it was something more monstrous than the mind can comprehend.
About a hundred yards or so away, and separated from it by a pockmarked and blasted stretch of the most barren land imaginable was what would probably have to be described as a landing pad of sorts. That is to say that scattered over a largish area were the ungainly hulks of two or three dozen crash-landed buildings.
Flitting over and around these buildings was a mind, a mind that was waiting for something.
The mind directed its attention into the air, and before very long a distant speck appeared, surrounded by a ring of smaller specks.
The larger speck was the left-hand tower of The Hitch Hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy office building, descending through the stratosphere of Frogstar World B.
As it descended, Roosta suddenly broke the long uncomfortable silence that had grown up between the two men.
He stood up and gathered his towel into a bag. He said: “Beeblebrox, I will now do the job I was sent here to do.”
Zaphod looked up at him from where he was sitting in a corner sharing unspoken thoughts with Marvin.
“Yeah?” he said.
“The building will shortly be landing. When you leave the building, do not go out of the door,” said Roosta, “go out of the window.”
“Good luck,” he added, and walked out of the door, disappearing from Zaphod’s life as mysteriously as he had entered it.
Zaphod leapt up and tried the door, but Roosta had already looked it. He shrugged and returned to the corner.
Two minutes later, the building crashlanded amongst the other wreckage. Its escort of Frogstar Fighters deactivated their force beams and soared off into the air again, bound for Frogstar World A, an altogether more congenial spot. They never landed on Frogstar World B. No one did. No one ever walked on its surface other than the intended victims of the Total Perspective Vortex.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
separated ['sepəreitid]


adj. 分居;分开的;不在一起生活的 v. 分开;隔开

outskirts ['aut.skə:ts]


n. 郊区

ungainly [ʌn'geinli]


adj. 笨拙的,不雅的,难用的

silence ['sailəns]


n. 沉默,寂静
vt. 使安静,使沉默

intended [in'tendid]


adj. 故意的,有意的;打算中的 n. 已订婚者 v.

minutes ['minits]


n. 会议记录,(复数)分钟

planet ['plænit]


n. 行星

congenial [kən'dʒi:niəl]


adj. 同性质的,适意的,趣味相同的,友善的

unspoken [,ʌn'spəukən]


adj. 未说出口的;无言的;不言而喻的

comprehend [.kɔmpri'hend]


vt. 充分理解,包括





