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来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
"Yes, it is, Ted Baldwin," said McGinty, with a wicked stare. "Is it you that would dispute it?"“对,是这样,特德·鲍德温,"麦金蒂恶狠狠地盯着他说道,“你还要争论么?”
"You would throw over one that has stood by you this five years in favour of a man that you never saw before in your life? You're not Bodymaster for life, Jack McGinty, and by God! when next it comes to a vote--"“你为了袒护一个素昧平生的人,难道要抛弃一个五年来恩难与共的朋友吗?你不会一辈子都做身主的,杰克·麦金蒂,老天有眼,下一次再选举时……”
The Councillor sprang at him like a tiger. His hand closed round the other's neck, and he hurled him back across one of the barrels. In his mad fury he would have squeezed the life out of him if McMurdo had not interfered.麦金蒂饿虎扑食一般扑到鲍德温身上,一只手掐住鲍德温的脖子,把他推到一只酒桶上去,要不是麦克默多阻拦,麦金蒂盛怒之下准会把鲍德温扼死的。
"Easy, Councillor! For heaven's sake, go easy!" he cried, as he dragged him back.“慢着,参议员先生!看在上帝份上,别着急!"麦克默多把他拉回来。
McGinty released his hold, and Baldwin, cowed and shaken gasping for breath, and shivering in every limb, as one who has looked over the very edge of death, sat up on the barrel over which he had been hurled.麦金蒂松开手,鲍德温吓得奄奄一息,浑身颤抖,活象一个死里逃生的人,坐在他刚才撞着的酒桶上。
"You've been asking for it this many a day, Ted Baldwin--now you've got it!" cried McGinty, his huge chest rising and falling. "Maybe you think if I was voted down from Bodymaster you would find yourself in my shoes. It's for the lodge to say that. But so long as I am the chief I'll have no man lift his voice against me or my rulings."“特德·鲍德温,好多天来你就在自找这个。现在你总算满意了吧,"麦金蒂呼呼地喘着,大声叫道,“也许你以为我选不上身主,你就能取代我的地位。可是只要我是这里的首领,我决不让一个人提高嗓门反对我,违抗我的公断。”
"I have nothing against you," mumbled Baldwin, feeling his throat.“我并没有反对你啊,"鲍德温用手抚摸着咽喉,嘟嘟哝哝地说道。
"Well, then," cried the other, relapsing in a moment into a bluff joviality, "we are all good friends again and there's an end of the matter."“好,那么,"麦金蒂立刻装成很高兴的样子,高声说道,“大家又都是好朋友了,这事就算完了。”
He took a bottle of champagne down from the shelf and twisted out the cork.麦金蒂从架子上取下一瓶香槟酒来,打开瓶塞。
"See now," he continued, as he filled three high glasses. "Let us drink the quarrelling toast of the lodge. After that, as you know, there can be no bad blood between us. Now, then the left hand on the apple of my throat. I say to you, Ted Baldwin, what is the offense, sir?"“现在,"麦金蒂把酒倒满三只高脚杯,继续说道:“让我们大家为和好而干杯。从今以后,你们明白,我们不能互相记仇。现在,我的好朋友,特德·鲍德温,我是跟你说话呢,你还生气吗?先生。”
"The clouds are heavy," answered Baldwin“阴云依然笼罩着。”
"But they will forever brighten."“不过即将永远光辉灿烂。”
"And this I swear!"“我发誓,但愿如此。”
The men drank their glasses, and the same ceremony was performed between Baldwin and McMurdo.他们饮了酒,鲍德温和麦克默多也照样客套了一番。

"Yes, it is, Ted Baldwin," said McGinty, with a wicked stare. "Is it you that would dispute it?"
"You would throw over one that has stood by you this five years in favour of a man that you never saw before in your life? You're not Bodymaster for life, Jack McGinty, and by God! when next it comes to a vote--"
The Councillor sprang at him like a tiger. His hand closed round the other's neck, and he hurled him back across one of the barrels. In his mad fury he would have squeezed the life out of him if McMurdo had not interfered.
"Easy, Councillor! For heaven's sake, go easy!" he cried, as he dragged him back.
McGinty released his hold, and Baldwin, cowed and shaken gasping for breath, and shivering in every limb, as one who has looked over the very edge of death, sat up on the barrel over which he had been hurled.
"You've been asking for it this many a day, Ted Baldwin--now you've got it!" cried McGinty, his huge chest rising and falling. "Maybe you think if I was voted down from Bodymaster you would find yourself in my shoes. It's for the lodge to say that. But so long as I am the chief I'll have no man lift his voice against me or my rulings."
"I have nothing against you," mumbled Baldwin, feeling his throat.
"Well, then," cried the other, relapsing in a moment into a bluff joviality, "we are all good friends again and there's an end of the matter."
He took a bottle of champagne down from the shelf and twisted out the cork.
"See now," he continued, as he filled three high glasses. "Let us drink the quarrelling toast of the lodge. After that, as you know, there can be no bad blood between us. Now, then the left hand on the apple of my throat. I say to you, Ted Baldwin, what is the offense, sir?"
"The clouds are heavy," answered Baldwin
"But they will forever brighten."
"And this I swear!"
The men drank their glasses, and the same ceremony was performed between Baldwin and McMurdo.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
dispute [di'spju:t]


v. 争论,争议,辩驳,质疑
n. 争论,争吵

wicked ['wikid]


adj. 坏的,邪恶的,缺德的
adv. 极端

stare [steə(r)]


v. 凝视,盯着看
n. 凝视

twisted ['twistid]


adj. 扭曲的 v. 扭动(twist的过去式)

offense [ə'fens]


n. 过错,冒犯,触怒,犯规,犯罪,进攻

ceremony ['seriməni]


n. 典礼,仪式,礼节,礼仪

limb [lim]


n. 枝干,树枝,肢体
vt. 切断(树枝,手

shelf [ʃelf]


n. 架子,搁板





