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来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
"It was you, Councillor." McMurdo drew a cocked pistol from the side pocket of his peajacket. "I was covering you all the time. I guess my shot would have been as quick as yours."“是你,参议员先生。"麦克默多从他粗呢上装口袋里掏出一支张开机头的手枪,说道,“我一直在瞄准你。我想我开起枪来是不会比你慢的。”
"By Gar!" McGinty flushed an angry red and then burst into a roar of laughter. "Say, we've had no such holy terror come to hand this many a year. I reckon the lodge will learn to be proud of you.... Well, what the hell do you want? And can't I speak alone with a gentleman for five minutes but you must butt in on us?"麦金蒂气得满脸通红,后来爆发出一阵大笑。“哎呀!"他说道,“喂,多年没见象你这样可怕的家伙了。我想分会一定将以你为荣的……喂,你究竟要干什么?我不能单独和一位先生谈五分钟吗?为什么你非打扰我们不行呢?”
The bartender stood abashed. "I'm sorry, Councillor, but it's Ted Baldwin. He says he must see you this very minute."酒吧间的侍者惶惑地站在那里,报告说:“很抱歉,参议员先生。不过特德·鲍德温先生说他一定要在此刻见你。”
The message was unnecessary; for the set, cruel face of the man himself was looking over the servant's shoulder. He pushed the bartender out and closed the door on him.其实已用不着侍者通报了,因为这个人本人已经把他凶恶的面孔从仆役的肩上探进来。他一把推出侍者,把门关上。
"So," said he with a furious glance at McMurdo, "you got here first, did you? I've a word to say to you, Councillor, about this man."“那么说,"他怒视了麦克默多一眼,说道,“你倒抢先到这儿来了?是不是?参议员先生,关于这个人,我有话对你说。”
"Then say it here and now before my face," cried McMurdo.“那就在这儿当着我的面说吧,"麦克默多大声说道。
"I'll say it at my own time, in my own way."“我什么时候说,怎么说,全由我。”
"Tut! Tut!" said McGinty, getting off his barrel. "This will never do. We have a new brother here, Baldwin, and it's not for us to greet him in such fashion. Hold out your hand, man, and make it up!"“啧,啧!"麦金蒂从酒桶上跳下来说道,“这样绝对不行。鲍德温,这儿来的是个新弟兄,我们不能这样欢迎他。伸出你的手来,朋友,和他讲和吧!”
"Never!" cried Baldwin in a fury.“决不!"鲍德温暴怒地说道。
"I've offered to fight him if he thinks I have wronged him," said McMurdo. "I'll fight him with fists, or, if that won't satisfy him, I'll fight him any other way he chooses. Now, I'll leave it to you, Councillor, to judge between us as a Bodymaster should."“假如他认为我冲撞了他,我建议和他决斗,"麦克默多说道,“可以徒手搏斗,他要不同意徒手干,随他选择什么办法都行。嗯,参议员先生,你是身主,就请你公断吧。”
"What is it, then?"“到底是怎么回事呢?”
"A young lady. She's free to choose for herself."“为一个年轻姑娘。她有选择情人的自由。”
"Is she?" cried Baldwin.“她可以这样做吗?"鲍德温叫道。
"As between two brothers of the lodge I should say that she was," said the Boss.“既然要选的是我们分会里的两个弟兄,我说她可以这样做,"首领说道。
"Oh, that's your ruling, is it?"“啊,这就是你的公断,是不是?”

"It was you, Councillor." McMurdo drew a cocked pistol from the side pocket of his peajacket. "I was covering you all the time. I guess my shot would have been as quick as yours."
"By Gar!" McGinty flushed an angry red and then burst into a roar of laughter. "Say, we've had no such holy terror come to hand this many a year. I reckon the lodge will learn to be proud of you.... Well, what the hell do you want? And can't I speak alone with a gentleman for five minutes but you must butt in on us?"
The bartender stood abashed. "I'm sorry, Councillor, but it's Ted Baldwin. He says he must see you this very minute."
The message was unnecessary; for the set, cruel face of the man himself was looking over the servant's shoulder. He pushed the bartender out and closed the door on him.
"So," said he with a furious glance at McMurdo, "you got here first, did you? I've a word to say to you, Councillor, about this man."
"Then say it here and now before my face," cried McMurdo.
"I'll say it at my own time, in my own way."
"Tut! Tut!" said McGinty, getting off his barrel. "This will never do. We have a new brother here, Baldwin, and it's not for us to greet him in such fashion. Hold out your hand, man, and make it up!"
"Never!" cried Baldwin in a fury.
"I've offered to fight him if he thinks I have wronged him," said McMurdo. "I'll fight him with fists, or, if that won't satisfy him, I'll fight him any other way he chooses. Now, I'll leave it to you, Councillor, to judge between us as a Bodymaster should."
"What is it, then?"
"A young lady. She's free to choose for herself."
"Is she?" cried Baldwin.
"As between two brothers of the lodge I should say that she was," said the Boss.
"Oh, that's your ruling, is it?"

重点单词   查看全部解释    
unnecessary [ʌn'nesisəri]


adj. 不必要的,多余的

terror ['terə]


n. 恐怖,惊骇,令人惧怕或讨厌的人或事物

burst [bə:st]


n. 破裂,阵,爆发
v. 爆裂,迸发

covering ['kʌvəriŋ]


n. 覆盖物,遮避物 adj. 掩护的,掩盖的

shoulder ['ʃəuldə]


n. 肩膀,肩部
v. 扛,肩负,承担,(用肩

pistol ['pistl]


n. 手枪
vt. 用手枪射击

minutes ['minits]


n. 会议记录,(复数)分钟

glance [glɑ:ns]


v. 一瞥,扫视,匆匆一看,反光,闪烁,掠过



adj. 不安的;窘迫的;尴尬的





