n. 悲痛,忧伤
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'You have the appearance of being overcome, Captain Gills,' observed Mr Toots. | “从您的神态看,您太激动了,吉尔斯船长,”图茨先生说道。 |
'Why, my lad, I am took aback,' the Captain admitted. 'I am.' | “唔,我的孩子,我被吓了一跳,”船长承认道,”确实是这样。” |
'Is there anything I can do, Captain Gills?' inquired Mr Toots. 'If there is, make use of me.' | “我能帮助您做点事情吗,吉尔斯船长?”图茨先生说道。 |
The Captain removed his hand from his face, looked at him with a remarkable expression of pity and tenderness, and took him by the hand, and shook it hard. | “如果有什么事情需要我帮助的话,那么您就指派我去做吧。”船长把手从脸上拿下来,露出某种异常怜悯与亲切的表情看着他,并拉住他的手,紧紧地握着。 |
'No, thank'ee,' said the Captain. 'Nothing. Only I'll take it as a favour if you'll part company for the present. I believe, brother,' wringing his hand again, 'that, after Wal'r, and on a different model, you're as good a lad as ever stepped.' | “没有,谢谢您,”船长说道。”没有什么事。不过如果您现在跟我告别的话,那么我就觉得您是给我做了一件好事了。我相信,老弟,”他又紧握着他的手,”除了沃尔特,您是世界上最好的孩子了,虽然您跟他是不同的类型。” |
'Upon my word and honour, Captain Gills,' returned Mr Toots, giving the Captain's hand a preliminary slap before shaking it again, 'it's delightful to me to possess your good opinion. Thank'ee. | “说实话,我以荣誉发誓,吉尔斯船长,”图茨先生回答道,他先轻轻地拍了一下船长的手,然后又握着它,”我真高兴能得到您的好评。谢谢您。”“请您帮个忙,高兴起来吧,”船长拍拍他的背,说道。 |
'And bear a hand and cheer up,' said the Captain, patting him on the back. 'What! There's more than one sweet creetur in the world!' | “有什么了不起!世界上可爱的姑娘不止一个哪!” |
'Not to me, Captain Gills,' replied Mr Toots gravely. 'Not to me, I assure you. The state of my feelings towards Miss Dombey is of that unspeakable description, that my heart is a desert island, and she lives in it alone. I'm getting more used up every day, and I'm proud to be so. If you could see my legs when I take my boots off, you'd form some idea of what unrequited affection is. I have been prescribed bark, but I don't take it, for I don't wish to have any tone whatever given to my constitution. I'd rather not. This, however, is forbidden ground. Captain Gills, goodbye!' | “对我来说不是这样,吉尔斯船长,”图茨先生一本正经地回答道。”请相信我,对我来说不是这样。我对董贝小姐的感情是难以形容的;我的心是一个荒岛,只有她一个人住在上面。我一天天地消瘦下去,我对这感到自豪。如果您能看到我脱掉靴子以后的腿,那么您对什么是单恋就可以有一点概念了。医生给我开药方,让我服规那皮,可是我没有服,因为我根本不想增强我的体质。是的,我不想。不过,这是禁区。吉尔斯船长,再见!” |
Captain Cuttle cordially reciprocating the warmth of Mr Toots's farewell, locked the door behind him, and shaking his head with the same remarkable expression of pity and tenderness as he had regarded him with before, went up to see if Florence wanted him. | 卡特尔船长真心诚意地回答了图茨先生热情的告别,然后把门锁上,一边露出和他刚才看图茨时同样异常的怜悯与亲切的表情,摇着头,一边上楼去看看弗洛伦斯是否需要他帮忙。 |
There was an entire change in the Captain's face as he went upstairs. He wiped his eyes with his handkerchief, and he polished the bridge of his nose with his sleeve as he had done already that morning, but his face was absolutely changed. Now, he might have been thought supremely happy; now, he might have been thought sad; but the kind of gravity that sat upon his features was quite new to them, and was as great an improvement to them as if they had undergone some sublimating process. | 船长上楼去的时候,脸上的表情完全改变了。他用手绢抹去眼泪,又像他这天早上所做的那样,用袖子擦亮他的鼻梁;可是他脸上的表情是截然不同地改变了。他一会儿看上去是无比地快乐,一会儿看上去又像是怀着悲伤的心情;但是在他脸上有一种庄重的神色,却是过去从来没有过的,它使他的容貌变得漂亮起来了,仿佛他的脸已经历过某种升华的过程似的。 |
He knocked softly, with his hook, at Florence's door, twice or thrice; but, receiving no answer, ventured first to peep in, and then to enter: emboldened to take the latter step, perhaps, by the familiar recognition of Diogenes, who, stretched upon the ground by the side of her couch, wagged his tail, and winked his eyes at the Captain, without being at the trouble of getting up. | 他用钩子轻轻地在弗洛伦斯的门上敲了两、三下;但是得不到任何回答,他就大胆地先往里窥探了一下,然后走进去;他之所以大胆地采取了后一个步骤,也许是因为戴奥吉尼斯把他当做熟人来欢迎的缘故。戴奥吉尼斯伸直身子,躺在她的睡椅旁边的地上,向船长摇着尾巴,眨巴着眼睛,但却懒得起来。 |
She was sleeping heavily, and moaning in her sleep; and Captain Cuttle, with a perfect awe of her youth, and beauty, and her sorrow, raised her head, and adjusted the coat that covered her, where it had fallen off, and darkened the window a little more that she might sleep on, and crept out again, and took his post of watch upon the stairs. All this, with a touch and tread as light as Florence's own. | 她正在酣睡,在睡眠中还哼叫着。卡特尔船长对她的年轻、美丽和忧伤怀着完全崇敬的心情,抬起她的头,把这时已经掉落的大衣重新拉好,复盖在她身上,并把窗帘遮蔽得更严密一些,使她可以继续好好地睡觉,然后又踮着脚尖,走出房间,在楼梯上守卫。他所做的这一切,不论是接触一下还是移动一下脚步,全都是轻悄悄的,就像弗洛伦斯自己的一样。 |
Long may it remain in this mixed world a point not easy of decision, which is the more beautiful evidence of the Almighty's goodness - the delicate fingers that are formed for sensitiveness and sympathy of touch, and made to minister to pain and grief, or the rough hard Captain Cuttle hand, that the heart teaches, guides, and softens in a moment! | 在这复杂的世界上可能还会长久留下一个不易判断的问题:哪一个能更美好地证明全能的上帝的慈善?--是那创造出来,为了进行同情的、温存的抚摸,并用来减轻痛苦与悲哀的巧妙的手指呢?还是那只由心灵进行教育、指导并能在片刻间使它变得温柔起来的、卡特尔船长的粗糙的、坚硬的手呢? |
Florence slept upon her couch, forgetful of her homelessness and orphanage, and Captain Cuttle watched upon the stairs. A louder sob or moan than usual, brought him sometimes to her door; but by degrees she slept more peacefully, and the Captain's watch was undisturbed. | 弗洛伦斯在她的躺椅中睡着,忘记了她无家可归、孤苦伶仃的处境;卡特尔船长则在楼梯上守卫着。一声比平常更响的抽泣或哼叫有时促使他走到她的门口,但是逐渐地,她睡得比较沉静了;船长的守卫也没有再受到干扰。 |
'Why, my lad, I am took aback,' the Captain admitted. 'I am.'
'Is there anything I can do, Captain Gills?' inquired Mr Toots. 'If there is, make use of me.'
The Captain removed his hand from his face, looked at him with a remarkable expression of pity and tenderness, and took him by the hand, and shook it hard.
'No, thank'ee,' said the Captain. 'Nothing. Only I'll take it as a favour if you'll part company for the present. I believe, brother,' wringing his hand again, 'that, after Wal'r, and on a different model, you're as good a lad as ever stepped.'
'Upon my word and honour, Captain Gills,' returned Mr Toots, giving the Captain's hand a preliminary slap before shaking it again, 'it's delightful to me to possess your good opinion. Thank'ee.
'And bear a hand and cheer up,' said the Captain, patting him on the back. 'What! There's more than one sweet creetur in the world!'
'Not to me, Captain Gills,' replied Mr Toots gravely. 'Not to me, I assure you. The state of my feelings towards Miss Dombey is of that unspeakable description, that my heart is a desert island, and she lives in it alone. I'm getting more used up every day, and I'm proud to be so. If you could see my legs when I take my boots off, you'd form some idea of what unrequited affection is. I have been prescribed bark, but I don't take it, for I don't wish to have any tone whatever given to my constitution. I'd rather not. This, however, is forbidden ground. Captain Gills, goodbye!'
Captain Cuttle cordially reciprocating the warmth of Mr Toots's farewell, locked the door behind him, and shaking his head with the same remarkable expression of pity and tenderness as he had regarded him with before, went up to see if Florence wanted him.
There was an entire change in the Captain's face as he went upstairs. He wiped his eyes with his handkerchief, and he polished the bridge of his nose with his sleeve as he had done already that morning, but his face was absolutely changed. Now, he might have been thought supremely happy; now, he might have been thought sad; but the kind of gravity that sat upon his features was quite new to them, and was as great an improvement to them as if they had undergone some sublimating process.
He knocked softly, with his hook, at Florence's door, twice or thrice; but, receiving no answer, ventured first to peep in, and then to enter: emboldened to take the latter step, perhaps, by the familiar recognition of Diogenes, who, stretched upon the ground by the side of her couch, wagged his tail, and winked his eyes at the Captain, without being at the trouble of getting up.
She was sleeping heavily, and moaning in her sleep; and Captain Cuttle, with a perfect awe of her youth, and beauty, and her sorrow, raised her head, and adjusted the coat that covered her, where it had fallen off, and darkened the window a little more that she might sleep on, and crept out again, and took his post of watch upon the stairs. All this, with a touch and tread as light as Florence's own.
Long may it remain in this mixed world a point not easy of decision, which is the more beautiful evidence of the Almighty's goodness - the delicate fingers that are formed for sensitiveness and sympathy of touch, and made to minister to pain and grief, or the rough hard Captain Cuttle hand, that the heart teaches, guides, and softens in a moment!
Florence slept upon her couch, forgetful of her homelessness and orphanage, and Captain Cuttle watched upon the stairs. A louder sob or moan than usual, brought him sometimes to her door; but by degrees she slept more peacefully, and the Captain's watch was undisturbed.
重点单词 | 查看全部解释 | |||
grief | [gri:f] | |||
remarkable | [ri'mɑ:kəbl] | 联想记忆 | ||
awe | [ɔ:] | |||
bark | [bɑ:k] | |||
possess | [pə'zes] | |||
tenderness | ['tendənis] | |||
recognition | [.rekəg'niʃən] | |||
moan | [məun] | |||
assure | [ə'ʃuə] | 联想记忆 | ||
cordially | [.kɔ:djəli] |

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