adj. 过分劳累的,过度兴奋的,过分装饰的
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At the moment, the bell rang loudly in the hall. He turned white, as she held her hand up like an enchantress, at whose invocation the sound had come. | 就在这时候,门厅里的铃大声响着。当她像女巫一样举起手来,在她的符咒的召唤下,传过来的时候,他的脸色发白了。 |
'Hark! do you hear it?' | “听!你听到了吗?” |
He set his back against the door; for he saw a change in her, and fancied she was coming on to pass him. But, in a moment, she was gone through the opposite doors communicating with the bed-chamber, and they shut upon her. | 他用背顶着门;因为他看到她发生了点变化,以为她正走来想从他身边闪过去。可是她在片刻间走进对面通到卧室的门里去,把门砰地一声关上了。 |
Once turned, once changed in her inflexible unyielding look, he felt that he could cope with her. He thought a sudden terror, occasioned by this night-alarm, had subdued her; not the less readily, for her overwrought condition. Throwing open the doors, he followed, almost instantly. | 一旦她有了转变,一旦她的坚定不屈的眼光转到别处,他觉得他就能对付她。他想这夜间警报引起的突然惊恐已经征服了她,因为就是没有这惊恐她也已过度疲劳了。他推开门急忙跟着她进去。 |
But the room was dark; and as she made no answer to his call, he was fain to go back for the lamp. He held it up, and looked round, everywhere, expecting to see her crouching in some corner; but the room was empty. So, into the drawing-room and dining-room he went, in succession, with the uncertain steps of a man in a strange place; looking fearfully about, and prying behind screens and couches; but she was not there. No, nor in the hall, which was so bare that he could see that, at a glance. | 可是房间鱼黑洞洞的,他喊她她又没有回答,所以他只好回来拿灯。他把灯举得高高的,仔细观察着四周,指望她蹲伏在什么角落里;可是房间里空无一人。因此,他像一个在陌生地方走路的人那样迈着迟疑不决的步子,走进客厅,接着又走进餐厅,害怕地环视四周,并在屏风与躺椅后面窥视;可是她不在那里;她也不在门厅里,门厅里空荡荡的,他一眼就可以看得清清楚楚。 |
All this time, the ringing at the bell was constantly renewed, and those without were beating at the door. He put his lamp down at a distance, and going near it, listened. There were several voices talking together: at least two of them in English; and though the door was thick, and there was great confusion, he knew one of these too well to doubt whose voice it was. | 在这段时间里,铃声一直不断地重新震响着。外面一些人在敲门。他把灯放在离门较远的地方,走近门口,仔细倾听。有好几个在交谈,至少有两个人是说英语的。虽然门是厚实的,也很嘈杂,但他对当中一个人的熟悉极了,所以毫不怀疑这是谁的。 |
He took up his lamp again, and came back quickly through all the rooms, stopping as he quitted each, and looking round for her, with the light raised above his head. He was standing thus in the bed-chamber, when the door, leading to the little passage in the wall, caught his eye. He went to it, and found it fastened on the other side; but she had dropped a veil in going through, and shut it in the door. | 他又拿起灯,很快穿过所有的房间往回走;在离开每个房间的时候,他都停下脚步,把灯举得比头还高,往四下里看看有没有她。当他这样站在卧室里的时候,那扇通向墙中通道的门突然吸引了他的注意。他走到那扇门旁,发现它从外面被锁上了。不过她在穿过这扇门的时候,掉了一块面纱,它被夹在门缝里。 |
All this time the people on the stairs were ringing at the bell, and knocking with their hands and feet. | 在这段时间里,楼上的人们一直在拉着铃并用手敲着门,用脚踢着门。 |
He was not a coward: but these sounds; what had gone before; the strangeness of the place, which had confused him, even in his return from the hall; the frustration of his schemes (for, strange to say, he would have been much bolder, if they had succeeded); the unseasonable time; the recollection of having no one near to whom he could appeal for any friendly office; above all, the sudden sense, which made even his heart beat like lead, that the man whose confidence he had outraged, and whom he had so treacherously deceived, was there to recognise and challenge him with his mask plucked off his face; struck a panic through him. He tried the door in which the veil was shut, but couldn't force it. He opened one of the windows, and looked down through the lattice of the blind, into the court-yard; but it was a high leap, and the stones were pitiless. | 他并不是个胆小鬼,可是这些敲门的正不断传来;在这以前发生的事情使他意气懊丧;这个地方对他是生疏的(甚至当他从门厅回来的时候,这也使他感到慌乱);他的计划已遭到失败(因为说起来奇怪,如果他取得成功的话,那么他会大胆得多);现在的时间是很不合适的;他记起他在近处没有什么人可以请求给予友好的帮助;特别重要的是,他心中突然感觉到(这甚至使他的心感到像铅一样沉重),他已辜负了他的信任、奸诈地欺骗了他的那个人正拿着从他脸上摘下的假面具,在这里要寻到他,向他挑战;--所有这一切,使他感到恐慌。他试图弄开那扇夹着面纱的门,可是他怎么用力也弄不开。他打开一扇窗子,通过百叶窗的格子往下面的庭院里看;但是要往下跳实在太高了,地面上的石头是冷酷无情的。 |
The ringing and knocking still continuing - his panic too - he went back to the door in the bed-chamber, and with some new efforts, each more stubborn than the last, wrenched it open. Seeing the little staircase not far off, and feeling the night-air coming up, he stole back for his hat and coat, made the door as secure after hIm as he could, crept down lamp in hand, extinguished it on seeing the street, and having put it in a corner, went out where the stars were shining. | 铃声和敲门声依旧继续在响着--他也继续处在恐慌的状态中--,他回到卧室中的那扇门旁,重新做出努力,每一次都比上一次更顽强地使劲,终于把它扭开了。他看到小楼梯就在不远的地方,同时感觉到夜间的冷空气迎面袭来,于是就悄悄地又回来取帽子和外衣,并把他后面的门尽量关牢;然后他手里拿着灯,蹑手蹑脚地从梯子上走下去;当他看到街道的时候,他灭了灯,把它搁在一个角落里,并走到星光正在照耀着的外面。 |
'Hark! do you hear it?'
He set his back against the door; for he saw a change in her, and fancied she was coming on to pass him. But, in a moment, she was gone through the opposite doors communicating with the bed-chamber, and they shut upon her.
Once turned, once changed in her inflexible unyielding look, he felt that he could cope with her. He thought a sudden terror, occasioned by this night-alarm, had subdued her; not the less readily, for her overwrought condition. Throwing open the doors, he followed, almost instantly.
But the room was dark; and as she made no answer to his call, he was fain to go back for the lamp. He held it up, and looked round, everywhere, expecting to see her crouching in some corner; but the room was empty. So, into the drawing-room and dining-room he went, in succession, with the uncertain steps of a man in a strange place; looking fearfully about, and prying behind screens and couches; but she was not there. No, nor in the hall, which was so bare that he could see that, at a glance.
All this time, the ringing at the bell was constantly renewed, and those without were beating at the door. He put his lamp down at a distance, and going near it, listened. There were several voices talking together: at least two of them in English; and though the door was thick, and there was great confusion, he knew one of these too well to doubt whose voice it was.
He took up his lamp again, and came back quickly through all the rooms, stopping as he quitted each, and looking round for her, with the light raised above his head. He was standing thus in the bed-chamber, when the door, leading to the little passage in the wall, caught his eye. He went to it, and found it fastened on the other side; but she had dropped a veil in going through, and shut it in the door.
All this time the people on the stairs were ringing at the bell, and knocking with their hands and feet.
He was not a coward: but these sounds; what had gone before; the strangeness of the place, which had confused him, even in his return from the hall; the frustration of his schemes (for, strange to say, he would have been much bolder, if they had succeeded); the unseasonable time; the recollection of having no one near to whom he could appeal for any friendly office; above all, the sudden sense, which made even his heart beat like lead, that the man whose confidence he had outraged, and whom he had so treacherously deceived, was there to recognise and challenge him with his mask plucked off his face; struck a panic through him. He tried the door in which the veil was shut, but couldn't force it. He opened one of the windows, and looked down through the lattice of the blind, into the court-yard; but it was a high leap, and the stones were pitiless.
The ringing and knocking still continuing - his panic too - he went back to the door in the bed-chamber, and with some new efforts, each more stubborn than the last, wrenched it open. Seeing the little staircase not far off, and feeling the night-air coming up, he stole back for his hat and coat, made the door as secure after hIm as he could, crept down lamp in hand, extinguished it on seeing the street, and having put it in a corner, went out where the stars were shining.
重点单词 | 查看全部解释 | |||
overwrought | ['əuvə'rɔ:t] | 联想记忆 | ||
mask | [mɑ:sk] | |||
beat | [bi:t] | |||
challenge | ['tʃælindʒ] | |||
frustration | [frʌs'treiʃən] | |||
uncertain | [ʌn'sə:tn] | |||
staircase | ['stɛəkeis] | |||
terror | ['terə] | 联想记忆 | ||
confidence | ['kɔnfidəns] | 联想记忆 | ||
lattice | ['lætis] | 联想记忆 |

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