Exactly how delegates work during the APEC forum remains a mystery to most students. For Zuo Meng, 21, an international economics and trade student from the University of International Relations, the job is a chance to witness the forum firsthand. APEC会议上代表们是怎么工作的?很多学生对此仍知之甚少。而来自北京外交学院国际经济与贸易专业21岁的左濛则有机会见证代表们的工作。
She volunteers in the APEC Secretariat helping delegates solve all sorts of logistical problems that arise during work, bridging communication between delegates and other staffers whose English isn’t quite perfect. 她在APEC秘书处担任志愿者,为代表团解决所有后勤问题,是英语欠佳的组织人员与代表之间沟通的桥梁。
The hardworking nature of the delegates and the forum’s friendly atmosphere has impressed her most. At 7 am, when she arrives in the office, the Secretary-General is already hard at work. 让她印象最深刻的就是努力工作的代表团和会议的友好氛围。每天早上7点,当她走进办公室的时候,勤奋的秘书长早已开始一天的工作。
“Based on the meeting recordings and transcripts, it seems that he’s always very careful in his work,” she says. 她说,“在做会议记录时,他总是十分仔细。”
“I respect their professionalism and optimistic outlook on life, and I plan to take what I’ve learned from them into the future,” she says. 她还说,“我十分敬佩他们的专业精神和乐观的生活态度,将来我也要向他们学习。”来源:可可英语 //m.moreplr.com/read/201408/323839.shtml