Shares in Lenovo, the Chinese electronics manufacturer, fell 5.1 per cent in Hong Kong trading, the biggest decline in nine months, after the company announced lower than expected revenue growth.

Lenovo said it has shipped a record 35m smartphones, computers and tablet devices, and saw a 19 per cent increase in quarterly net profits. “Lenovo had another strong quarter that saw excellent market share gains and profit expansion,” said Mr Yang in a statement accompanying the results.
But the stock market mainly took note of 7 per cent growth in revenues, the lowest in six quarters, which may herald a cooling in Lenovo’s home market of China.
“The industry is changing from in the past, when China grew much faster than the rest of the world,” Yang Yuanqing, Lenovo’s chief executive, said in an interview with Bloomberg Business News. “China will not see further hypergrowth.”
杨元庆在接受彭博新闻社(Bloomberg News)采访时,表示:“过去,中国的增长速度大大高于全球其他地区。如今,行业正在告别这种局面。中国将不会出现进一步超高速增长。”
He has recently sought to expand out of the falling personal computer market, which Lenovo dominates, and into smartphones and servers. In October, Lenovo closed deals for IBM’s x86 server business and for Motorola Mobility, the smartphone business it purchased from Google. This vaulted Lenovo to number three smartphone maker in the world, overtaking Chinese phonemaker Xiaomi, according to rankings by IDC.
联想在个人电脑市场处于主导地位。近期杨元庆试图将业务从不断下滑的个人电脑市场扩展至智能手机和服务器领域。今年10月,联想完成了对IBM x86服务器业务的收购,并从谷歌(Google)收购了智能手机业务——摩托罗拉移动(Motorola Mobility)。根据IDC的排名,此举令联想超过中国手机制造商小米(Xiaomi),成为全球第三大智能手机制造商。