The U.S.and Chinaare easing visa rules for each other's citizens. It's a reciprocal agreementthat President Obama says will benefit everyone — from students, to tourists,to businesses.
Years ago, a politician told me a rule ofhis craft - politicians work with their rivals where they can, even if theydisagree on everything else. You'd be forgiven for thinking some Americanpoliticians totally forgot that rule. But in diplomacy, the U.S. and China remembered it.

For all of their differences, the twogovernments reached agreements as President Obama visits Beijing. In a moment, we'll hear about atrade deal. We start with another agreement that goes into effect tomorrow.Chinese tourists and businesspeople can more easily visit the U.S. They canreceive multiple-entry visas valid for up to 10 years.
FRANK LANGFITT, BYLINE: The firstimpression most Chinese have with the American government comes when they applyfor a visa. For years, they dreaded the process.
FRANK LANGFITT:大多数中国人对美国的第一印象是从申请签证开始的。十年来,申请程序让他们感到可怕。
MEI ZHANG: It was humiliating.
张梅(MEI ZHANG):太羞辱人了。
LANGFITT: Mei Zhang runs Bishan, a tourcompany in Beijingthat caters to wealthy Chinese.
ZHANG: If anyone's experienced a Beijing cold winter - youstood out there in the street for three hours waiting to get into the embassy.
LANGFITT: Then, often Chinese had toconvince a visa officer they weren't secretly planning to emigrate to America. By allaccounts, the wait time is much shorter now. Zhang says, sparing Chinese fromhaving to reapply for new visa each year will make travel even easier.
ZHANG: This has removed a major obstacle.You can go back to Americaagain, again.
RYAN BECKER: China is our number one overseasmarket.
RYAN BECKER:中国是我们最重要的海外市场。
LANGFITT: Ryan Becker works for VisitCalifornia, a nonprofit industry group that markets the state. He says Chinesespent nearly $2 billion in Californialast year - more than tourists from any other country.
LANGFITT: Ryan Becker就职于推广加州的非营利性产业组织加州旅游局,他说中国人去年在加州的消费将近20亿美元——高于其他任何国家游客的消费。
BECKER: We're very excited about thechanges. It's the kind of smart policy that we think makes sense on manydifferent levels.
LANGFITT: Becker says Chinese visits to California were alreadyexpected to double by 2017.
LANGFITT: Becker说,据预计,到加州的中国人将于2017年翻一番。
He says the visa extension will just meanmore tourists and more spending.