A heart-warming image! Young penguins areprotected from the cold by their loving parents as they huddle together in Antarctica.

Huddled together trying to stay warm, theseheart-warming images show that penguins really do make the best parents.

The adult Emperor Penguins surround theiryoung as they struggle to survive the freezing temperatures and deadly winds.

This breeding colony were capturedclustered together in Antarctica where they face a daily battle to keep theiryoung alive.
Speckled with snow, the tiny chicks, keep close to their mothers and fathers inthe midst of the icy blast.
Emperor penguins famously trek up to 75miles over the ice to reach their breeding colony.

Here the female penguin lays a single egg and hand it over to the male tocradle on his feet.
This handover must be done without the eggonce touching the ground otherwise the chick inside would die from the freezingtemperatures.
The female then makes the long trek back tothe sea to feed
The male is left to withstand the Antarcticcold for more than two months - during which time he will eat nothing - toprotect his egg from the extreme cold.

When the female returns she brings with hertheir now hatched chick's first meal - finding her mate and young among thecrowd thanks to his vocal call.
She takes over caring for the chick while he makes the arduous journey to thesea.
They then take it in turns to care fortheir chick and forage at sea.
When the youngsters are around 45-50 daysold they huddle together to form a crèche while both parents head out to sea -returning periodically to feed their chicks before they are old enough to fendfor themselves.