Fake Apple Watches — or timepieces that appear similar to the new devices and are suspiciously affordable — have gone on sale across China as consumers jump the gun before the genuine items are available next month, writes Charles Clover in Beijing.
尽管Apple Watch真品要到下月才开始销售,但中国各地已出现了假冒的Apple Watch,或者说外形与苹果(Apple)最新产品类似、价格便宜得令人生疑的手表,让消费者先买为快。
On ecommerce websites such as Alibaba’s Taobao, the watches appear nearly identical to Apple’s product, down to the digital crown controller on the side of the device and four sensors on the underside.
Most do not have a brand marking and cost Rmb250-Rmb500 ($40-$80) — as little as a 10th of the price of the cheapest Apple Watch shown this week by Tim Cook, chief executive.
多数此类产品没有品牌标识,价格在250元到500元人民币之间(合40至80美元),差不多是蒂姆•库克(Tim Cook)本周展示的最便宜的Apple Watch的十分之一。
Revealed on Tuesday and scheduled to go on sale on April 24, Apple’s gold-cased luxury model costs up to $17,000 and appears to be aimed at wealthy Chinese.
Apple Watch于本周二发布,定于4月24日上架销售。其中黄金外壳的豪华版Apple Watch价格高达1.7万美元,其销售目标似乎对准中国富人。
The early proliferation of fakes will not help Apple’s hopes of replicating the success of its iPhones in China, the second-largest market for the smartphones behind the US.
The China knock-offs demonstrate the speed, boldness and uncanny accuracy with which China’s counterfeiters can mimic even pioneering products.