7.Lobsters Have Two Stomachs
Just in case peeing from their faces isn't unusual enough for you, lobsters have some other unique anatomical characteristics.
A lobster's eyes at the base of its antennae detect light and shadows, but not colors or images -- most of its seeing is done with its three pairs of antennae.
The large pair is used for feeling around and the smaller two pairs help it navigate via smell.
An appendage between its eyes called a rostrum often gets mistaken for a nose, but it's just there to protect the eyes during fights.

And that's not all. Lobsters have two stomachs. One is located in what we'd consider the lobster's head -- right behind its eyes.
This stomach contains teeth-like features (called a gastric mill) that are used to crush the lobster's food. Once the food is fine enough, it passes to the other stomach.
Most of a lobster's abdomen is taken up by a digestive gland that serves as the filtration system -- sort of like your liver.
Called the tomalley, it turns green when cooked, and some consider it a delicacy.
6.Losing a Claw is No Big Deal
Clawed lobsters typically have two differently-sized pincers. The larger of the two is the crusher, and it's used for -- you guessed it -- crushing through the shells and carapaces of its prey.
The smaller of the two claws, the cutter or seizer, grabs onto meat and shreds it into smaller pieces so that the smallest antennae can carry it into the lobster's mouth.
Lobsters tend to have a dominant claw -- meaning that they are either right-clawed or left-clawed -- and their crusher claw can be on either side.
Juvenile lobsters start out with two cutters, and one develops into a crusher over time as the lobster locates objects to pick up.
Scientists have been able to induce lobsters to avoid developing a crusher claw, but not to generate two crushers -- those have only been seen in the wild.

No matter which claw is dominant, the lobster isn't all that attached to it -- literally. If a lobster loses a claw or leg, it will grow another when molting. Molting happens several times a year until the lobster is a full-sized adult.
During molting the carapace splits and every hard piece is shed. Any missing limbs regrow during this time, and are identical to the original.
A lobster can also drop a limb or claw if necessary to save its life, such as to get away from a predator.
This adaptive phenomenon is called autotomy or reflex amputation.
Some people avoid cooking lobster at home because of the way that they're normally dispatched -- headfirst, live, into a pot of boiling water.
Some home cooks have been horrified by sounds coming from the inside of the pot -- noises, which they believe, are the lobster screaming in pain as it dies.
The thing is, lobster don't have vocal cords or any way of making noise. The sounds heard are probably air escaping from the lobster's shell.
There may be a crackling noise from live lobsters as they rub their legs, together, but that's about it.

So if they're not screaming, do they feel pain at all? That's a matter of some debate. Some researchers claim that they don't because they lack a complex nervous system or brain like vertebrates do.
A 2005 study by the Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food Safety concluded that any violent reaction by the lobster to being cooked is a reflexive response to an unpleasant stimuli, called nociception -- not the same thing as pain and suffering.
But a 2013 study conducted at Queen's University Belfast in the U.K. had the opposite conclusion.
The jury's still out, so if you love to eat lobster but want to know it's being prepared in the most humane way possible, seek out restaurants that use a CrustaStun, a machine that quickly kills lobster and other crustaceans via electrocution.
4.Relationships Last About Two Weeks
In a 1996 episode of the sitcom "Friends," the character Phoebe compared Ross and Rachel's turbulent romance to those of lobsters, stating, "It's a known fact that lobsters fall in love and mate for life."
There are earlier examples of this theory as well, but it's simply not true. As we mentioned before, a female lobster visits the most dominant male in the neighborhood and entices him into mating by peeing in his shelter.

After several visits, the male gets the message and lobster love ensues. First the female has to disrobe, err, molt.
经过多次试探后,雄性得到消息 ,随之两只龙虾开始恋爱。首先,雌性要脱衣服,呃,蜕皮。
After the deed is done, she hangs around until her shell has re-grown, then takes off. The whole rendezvous takes between 10 days and two weeks.
But then another female comes by and does the same thing. And another... and another ... until all the female lobsters around have mated with the dominant male lobster.
So instead of mating for life, lobsters are serial monogamists, having one exclusive, but very short-term, relationship after another.
If you're a fan of "Friends" you know that Ross and Rachel did eventually end up together -- after 10 seasons and numerous other relationships.