Lobsters are pretty strange animals. For starters they have no vocal chords, possess two stomachs, and have been known to eat each other.
But you don't think about all that when a big red one lands on your dinner plate. There's nothing like extracting large pieces of lobster meat from the shell, swirling them in warm drawn butter, adding a squeeze of lemon, and savoring each sweet, delicious bite.
While lobster is usually considered a gourmet entrée, right up there with filet mignon, that wasn't always the case.
Lobsters were once so plentiful in New England that they could easily be caught right at the shore and were eaten mainly by poor people and prisoners.
Let's look at this and nine other strange facts about lobsters. (For the purposes of this article, we're mostly focusing on the American or Maine lobster). Read on to find out how familiarity bred contempt.
10.Lobster Was Once Poor Man's Food
Lobsters were considered a delicacy during the Middle Ages in Europe, and even served as medicine.
The rostrum, or frontal part of the body, was pulverized and used to help people pass kidney stones. The gastrolith, or gizzard stone which the lobster uses to help grind up food, was handy for treating stomach aches.
Fast-forward a few hundred years and attitudes changed drastically. Lobster was so abundant in 18th and early-19thcentury New England that it was fed to pigs and the shells used as fertilizer.

Indentured servants in Massachusetts were so sick of eating it that they won a court case to keep their masters from feeding them lobster more than three times a week.
The first shift to luxury food item took place in the late 1800s, as wealthy city-dwellers flocked to the beach and enjoyed the novel taste (for them) of lobster. Advances in refrigeration allowed live ones to be transported all over the country.
As demand increased, supply decreased, which drove up the price. Supply and demand has ebbed and flowed over the years, but these days lobster is considered fancy food.
9.They Aren't (Usually) Red Before Cooking
In the wild, most lobsters are a mottled greenish brown. They turn red when cooked because heating breaks the bond between pigmentation and protein in the shell.
The red color comes from the expression of astaxanthin, a type of carotenoid pigment found in orange-colored plants, eaten by the animals the lobster eats.
A small number of lobsters can be red prior to being cooked -- as well as orange, yellow, green, blue and various combinations of these colors.
In some cases, these hues are a genetic mutation. Other times, it has to do with the food the lobster eats; if it only has one type of food available, it may turn a solid color as a result.

So far, we've been referring to the American lobster. This big-clawed crustacean is found off the east coast of Canada and the United States.
Its cousin, the European lobster, has smaller claws and its natural coloring is dark blue with spots and a yellow underbelly. It'd found in the waters around Western Europe and North Africa.
Non-clawed lobsters, called rock lobsters or spiny lobsters, are found in warmer waters around the world and come in a variety of colors.
8.Lobsters Pee Out of Their Faces
You might look a little differently at the next lobster you see when you learn how they excrete their waste. Good thing we don't eat their faces, right?
A lobster pees from openings (nephrophores) located at the base of its second antennae. These excretory organs are called green glands and include a sac linked to a bladder by a coiled tube.

Lobsters also excrete from other places on their bodies, including their gills and digestive glands.
Excreting from the nephrophores isn't just about getting rid of toxic waste products, though -- it's part of the lobster mating ritual.
Male lobsters love to fight. Female lobsters seek out the most aggressive, dominant male in the area and show their interest by peeing repeatedly into his shelter.
Their urine contains pheromones, which calm him down and get him in the mood, so to speak. Lobsters also urinate in each others' faces during fights to express themselves.