Although you may already be thinking about your dinner menu for the evening, you may not be considering the fact that everything you eat has an impact on your health. We are bombarded with hype saying what --and what not to -- eat daily. Step away from the fancy pills and shakes intended to help your colon and consider the natural, and less expensive, regular food options.
It sounds a little gross, but your entire colon is colonized with good bacteria and yeast.
These living organisms help you break down and remove waste from your body. They also keep the bad bacteria in check. Fermented foods, such as yogurt or kefir, can help provide the boost of good bacteria needed to rebalance your system.

Dark Leafy Vegetables
The minute I say dark, leafy vegetable, most people envision a cluster of spinach. There are many other variations of dark leafies that include collard greens, kale, and even romaine.
A cup of iceberg lettuce, for example, has nearly no nutritional value. Its main component is water. Rule of thumb: The darker the leaf the better the benefit.
This bulbous vegetable has long been researched for its natural antibacterial properties.
The natural compounds within garlic, such as selenium, arginine, and ajoene to name a few, are responsible for the potential health benefits that include removing waste from the body and assisting in your body's self-repair mechanisms.
大蒜中的天然化合物,如硒、精氨酸, 大蒜烯等等,负责潜在的身体健康因素,包括排出身体废物和协助身体自我修复功能。
Flax Seeds
Sitting down to a big bowl of flax seeds probably doesn't sound optimal, but used as an addition to smoothies, cereals, and whole grain products, flax seeds give a boost to the fiber content of any meal and contain phytonutrients in the form of lignans. They also help to regulate bowel movements and are a natural source of the omega 3 fatty acids, which have a host of known health benefits.
Beans are a low fat, protein rich source of nutrients that actually feed the good bacteria in your colon with their healthy starches.