British Prime Minister Theresa May gave a first television interview alongside her husband last Tuesday, sidelining Brexit to talk about family - and shoes - in a bid to soften her tough image ahead of the June 8 election.
Philip May, 59, a banker who rarely speaks in public, joined his wife on the cozy sofa of the BBC's One Show, a popular and relaxed early evening program.
59岁的菲利普是一位鲜少在公开场合发言的银行家,这次他与妻子一同做客英国广播公司颇受欢迎、氛围轻松的傍晚档节目《One Show》。
The couple revealed that it was "love at first sight" when they met at university, and there was "give and take in every marriage".

Philip said he does the "boys' jobs" around the house such as taking out the bins, and Theresa does the cooking.
Theresa, 60, confirmed in the interview that she did, indeed, like buying shoes.
Theresa was described as a "bloody difficult woman" by former cabinet colleague Ken Clarke, and later vowed to demonstrate that side of her persona in Brexit negotiations with European Commission president Jean-Claude Juncker.